Finally, pictures from my one day at Killington in late March. Excellent conditions - almost everything was open! I didn't really expect that since it was so late in the season.

I started my day on the Killington Peak Double Chair, a long ride to the top. Taking Killington Steve's advice, I skiied the Canyon area (180K), the area to the right in the first pic, for the first few runs - on Cascade, Double Dipper, and East Fall. The trails were well covered and groomed. I was disappointed that there were no bumps of any of these runs, but they served well as warm ups and long cruisers. I ventured into Big Dipper, but couldn't ski the crunchy snow, so I bailed at the first exit. (The yellow highlight on the map is where I skiied. The Rams Head and Snowdon area highlights are from my 1.5 hours skiing 2 days before.)

I next headed over to Superstar and Ovation. This pic was taken right before descending Superstar (I think). The red sky was from the film developing, but has a pretty cool effect.

On the next run, I wanted to ski Ovation, but skipped the top because of the shrubbery sticking up through the snow, then skiied the middle, and lower was closed (drag...). But, I did see Julio (in the trees/foreground, not the background) at the top of the run,and decided to ski it after lunch. Next, I headed over to Bear Mtn (180K) and made 3 runs on Outer Limits (a good, but very wide, bump run), then one on SkyeBurst and BearClaw. (I didn't take pics of some of the slopes because my camera was acting up at times. Piece of junk!) The weather on that side of the mountain was completely different. Hot on the slopes but cold at the top. The snow conditions were actually good spring conditions. But, geeze, at the top of the Skye Peak Quad, it was FREEZING and WINDY! I had to PUSH my way through the wind just to get to Skye Lark.

After lunch, I did a Superstar run, then went to ski Julio, IMHO the most difficult trail at Killington. The previous pic is back uphill, from a couple hundred feet down the run. This is a cross section - excellent conditions. Until...

The bottom - a p-tex nightmare!

Since Julio dropped me onto Flume, I headed for the Double Chair again to finish my day in the Canyon area. The rides up were COLD!!

But the runs down were EXCELLENT!! I hit Escapade/Flume, Heavenly Traverse/Cat Walk/East Fall, Heavenly Traverse/East Glade/East Fall, Catwalk from the top/Double Dipper, and the top of Down Draft (lower was closed)/Cascade/Flume. Escapade, Flume, Cat Walk, and Double Dipper had great bumps. Last run was back over to the Superstar lift - got on at 3:54pm!! But couldn't ski down fast enough to get back on before 4pm.

Needless to say, as I headed for my car, I had that uncontrollable grin on my face. And, all I can say is:


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