The Big 5 Accounting Firms


Provides addresses and contact information of all its branches in Malaysia.Other information related to Malaysia include an overview of its business in Malaysia and is the largest professional service organization in Malaysia.


The site gives a brief history of the start of KPMG in Malaysia and provides details of the offices in various states in Malaysia. The site also provides other useful information regarding current issues and details in Malaysia such as Public Holidays, Economic and Trade Data and Passport and Visa Requirements.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The site provides an address and contact information of the company in Malaysia. Besides that, there are no other relevant information specifically regarding Malaysia except for the current issues highlights.

Price Waterhouse

The site provides quick updates on key issues impacting businesses in Malaysia as well as those interested in doing business in the Asia Pacific region.The site also features career and job information for new graduates and experienced professionals. Options available in the sites include a quick search , site map and a link to the global home page.


Accounting Directories | Accounting Employment | Governmental Accounting Bodies/Statutory Bodies

Independent Malaysian Accounting Associations | International Accounting Bodies | Accounting Software

Financial Institutions (Banks) | Financial Markets | Accounting Publications | Accounting Consultancy and Services

Big 5 Accounting Firms | Education in Accounting