Thumbnail Images in HTML Documents are Way Cool!

Using thumbnail images in HTML documents is really easy and fun, not to mention a kindness to your readers.

Aged Newspaper filter this filter looks like an old newspaper I used the Aged Newspaper Filter. The compression value was 70.

Neon Glow filter this filter makes everything glow. I used the Neon Glow filter. The compression value was 60.

I used three filters to make this effect I used the Sculpture Filter, Hotwax Coating Filter, and the Sunburst filter. The compression value was 60.

I used three filters to make this effect I used the Neon Glow Filter, Curly Q's Filter, and the Weave filter. The compression value was 60.

Gaussian Blur is a really wonderfull filter to use. The Gaussian Blur Filter. The compression was 30.

The Motion filter is very interesting but not my fave. The Motion Blur Filter. The compression was 30.

The Noise Filter makes everything look wierd, but good wierd. The Add Noise Filter. The compression was 30.

HOME | Making Unordered and Ordered Lists | Making Hyperliks to Other Web Pages
Making Hyperlinks to other Websites| Making Hyperlinks to Other Parts of of a Web Page| Using Paint Shop Pro to Make Web Graphics
Wrapping Text Around Pictures| Linking Pictures| Making Tables
Creating Backgrounds| Formating Fonts, Font Size, and Color| Adding Sound To Your Web Site
Metatags| Animated GIF's| JavaScript

Page created by:Jane Kutepova
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