Herne The Hunter
    Herne is a spectral huntsman of English Lore, often the leader of the wild hunt or nocturmal processions of the dead.  As leader of the Wild Hunt, Herne has lunar associations.  His name is associated with another leader of the dead.  Herlechin, or harlequin, also associated with the Devil.
     Herne's story is very difficult to tell. For no one knows exactly where he comes from either.  Shakespeare wrote of him in his play the Merry Wives of Windsor which is where his legend may have begun.
     This is a god who dwells in glades, and is hard to see as the deer whose antler he wears.  Europe abounds with stories of the Wild Hunt, and Herne is the leader (as earlier stated) of those huntsmen.  Others include Arawn the Welsh God of the Dead, Charlemagne, Frederick the Great, King Arthur, the Saxon God Woden, the early British Kind Herla, the Devil, sir Francis Drake, Father Christmas, and Odin.  The origins of the widespread legend of the Wild Hunt are so buried under centuries of mythic detritus that they will never truly be known.
     What is known for certain is that a remarkably consistent image exists in the mythic subconcious of Europe.  The Image of the wild, nocurnal, horned huntsman, his coming announced by the baying of his hounds and the blast of his horn above the din of the storm, in seach of souls to carry away.  Herne is portryaed wearing an antlered headress.
     It is strange that Herne's background is so unknown, yet is is possible that he is related in some way to Cernunnos. In modern Witchcraft , he is associated with Cernunnos and Pan. 
     Today in the UK, it is possible if you are very lucky, to see him.  In the South of England there is a village named Headley.  There is a place known as Herne's corner to the locals, and sometimes, he will appear there.  He is supposed to be huge, well over 8feet tall, and has enormous antlers growing from his head.  Other sightings of Herne are still reported in Windsor Forest near Windsor Castle and are associated with Witchcraft activities.
     Similar spectral horned huntsman exist in German and French Lore as well.