A painting I picked up in Cuba.  Some days, my world looks like this...even when I'm not hopped up on Advils...
About Roxy
Learn more about your fearless leader.
Life on Planet Roxy
Adventures on Planet Roxy
Some Damn Good Books

Fear not!  Roxy is here to lead the way...just at a new address. try http://planetroxy.diaryland.com for all the delicious morsels of mundane life you've come to love...in another package. (I'm learning to use HTML! Yaay for me!)
NEW! Sketches!!
Woo hoo! I actually dared to blemish the pristine white pages of my exorbitantly priced but very artsy sketchbook yesterday and this is what came out...
(well, loosely defined as such)
Rant of the Week
If you lose your lucky rock, it wasn't your lucky rock to begin with.
Stay tuned for other pearls of wisdom...
Random Pics
Stuff I wrote
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to Visit
Cool Places to Visit
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Top Ten Lists
a la High Fidelity.
The Stuff I Wrote Page now works!!
Yesirree, Bob! Now you too can peruse the literary masterpieces of one of greatest misunderstood geniuses of our time! (read: Now you too can see all the crap various publishers have rejected over the years...) Just Kidding!
Click here to read my pretty good stuff! Really!
Why Yellow Galoshes?
Adventures on Planet Roxy
Tourist Life
Emma and I dressed up as foreign tourists today and navigated the city in an intensely pretentious, rudely obnoxious way...
Read more about us being obnoxious
Rant of The Week
War, Plague, Famine and Bics
When it comes to writing implements I am, as others may euphemistically refer to me, a neurotic freak...
Read more about why I'm a neurotic freak