Cool Places to Visit

So here it finally is.  My requisite links page.  I have found that since I started putting together this website I surf compulsively, eating Cracker Jacks and staring bug-eyed at the screen while my Microsoft Word waits patiently in the background for me to get back to work.  Oh well. At least I have managed to find me some interesting sites:

Design your own engagement ring at and then email it to your casual boyfriend or, better yet, random co-worker.  Watch the hilarity ensue.

Go to and read all about the adventures of Faith in New York. Her bit about recycling expired vibrators is priceless...

Go to and get cool wallpaper like this (What? did you think I was that creative?) as well as lots of other neato stuff.  The creator is an illustrator in Melbourne, Australia who always has interesting things to write about...