~ AcKNoWleDgEmEnT ~

mY OaSiS! tHe hOt DeSeRt & DeSsErT! tHe H-WISE wEbSiTe! sEe mY pErSoNal cOlleCtIonS! uR aLrEaDy HeRe!
  oAsIs!   DeSeRt!    H-wIsE!   rOoM!   tHaNkS!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mentors, Eng. Milo, Ms. Eden, and the mysterious Mr. "Darkman" for their continued efforts in educating Filipinos about the wonders of HTML! Kudos to the Philippine Embassy and Filipino Computer Club in Dubai for their initiative and support!

I would also like to thank my gracious Tita Lolit for putting up with the long hours and for entertaining my groupmates while I'm still at work... thanks for everything Tita!!! You can stop dancing now... err... I mean... You can sleep early now!!!

Last but not the least, to my group members and friends for backing me up and encouraging me to exert a 110% effort! Couldn't have done it without the H-WISE Team!


b4 u Go, cLiCkInG oN tHe LiNkS BeLoW WiLl GiVe u tHe ChAnCe tO vIsIt tHe InSpIrIng FiLiPiNo WeB CoMmUnItiEs In DuBaI - sO cLicK aWay!