In here, you'll find info on the latest and the most powerful of Sailor Moon's adversaries, the Evil Senshi (aka: Metal Knights, Anime-mates) Hope you like it!

The Sailor Stars Song

Here is the first of the Evil Senshi...Sailor Iron Mouse. She's often shy and annoying. When she's undercover, she's a talent scout. Her mission is to find starseeds for her master. However, she failed too many times and her boss, Galaxia, took away her bracelets (which is fatal for all of the Evil Senshi), killing her.
The next in line was Sailor Aluminum Siren. She was a little bit more successful in her search for starseeds. Her friend/enemy, Sailor Lead Crow, often comes with her. She and Lead Crow have a bond that started form bittersweet adversaries to close friends. When she's nervous, she eats a lot. (How does she keep her figure?!) When she returned to her master, Siren told Galaxia that she may have found the starseed that they were looking for, someone in the shadows was saying that she failed and she only said that as a futile attempt to save her skin. In the end, Galaxia didn't listen to Siren and she took away her bracelets.
Sailor Lead Crow was the third in line. She was to find what Iron Mouse and Aluminum Siren were unable to find, starseeds. After Siren was executed, Lead Crow has go with another Evil Senshi, Tin Nyanko. In a battle with Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi, one of Lead Crow's blasts was fired and Tin Nyanko accidently made that shot hit Lead Crow. That shot caused Lead Crow to fall in a black hole, never to return again.
The last of Galaxia's Evil Senshi as well as most powerful was Sailor Tin Nyanko. It was her who, in a way, killed Aluminum Siren and Lead Crow. In an attack with the Sailor Senshi, Sailor Moon used her Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss on Tin Nyanko, only to effect her part way. Half of her was black and the other half was white. However, Galaxia took away her bracelets when she failed to defeat the Sailor Senshi.

This is the greatest enemy of Sailor Moon. Her name is Sailor Galaxia, the Golden Sailor. It was she who commanded the Evil Senshi, woke up Neherenia from her soul mirror, and ressurected Hotaru/Sailor Saturn. Whoever said Sailor Galaxia makes Queen Beryl look like June Cleaver sure wasn't kidding. When she attacks, she makes her prey suffer bigtime!

It all started on a distant planet where an entity called Sailor Chaos was trying to steal her starseed. In order her to stop Chaos, she send her starseed across the galaxy and imprisoned Chaos within herself. No one knew that Galaxia's starseed landed on the planet Earth and taken the form of Chibi Chibi.

With her power, she single-handedly killed Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus and stolen their starseeds. She also killed Tuxedo Kamem, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, and Sailor Saturn and acquired their starseeds as well. All that was left to stop her was Sailor Moon, Chibi Chibi, and the Sailor Starlights.

In the end, Sailor Moon, with the help of Chibi Chibi, was able to dispel Sailor Chaos from within Sailor Galaxia's body. Galaxia was able to set all of the starseeds free before she vanished. Sailor Moon was able to save her friends, her planet and the universe in one stroke.

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