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@}--Trading Academy

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@}-- Welcome to Hogwarts
@}-- 5" x 7.5"
@}-- Chosen
@}-- Obliviate
@}-- Evanesco
@}-- Buckets

Roleplaying Character Bios

New and improved to include not only my origional characters, but also the characters that I use most frequently.

Rachel M.
Rachel B.


Name: Tekka Nora Takiru
Age: 202, looks 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Jet-black hair, always kept up in a messy bun, cool gray eyes, brownish long  scar above her left eye, Japanese, 5'2"
Race: Japanese
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Clothes: It all depends, It all depends. Her most frequent outfit is a black three-quarter length sleeved shirt, Dark blue low riding jeans, and runners
Weaponry: Her teeth, and brute strength
Species: Vampire
Origional Creator: Me (MoroiiAngel)
Story: For her mortal life, she was a whore. When she was 17, a Vampire came along, and made her one of his kind. Using that as an escape from her "clients" she has been roaming the world, which was her dream, ever since. She is liable to end up anywhere in the world. Also important to mention that she was made by a day crawler(a vamp who can tolerate sunlight) and is one herself.
Personality: Blunt, to say the least. She'll say anything that comes to mind, which bring us to the fact that she talks non-stop. She's has a violent temper, and can have horrific mood swings. Tekka will do anything to get her own way.
Tekka Nora Takiru

Rachel M.

Name: Rachel McKenna
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: Mousy-brown hair to her shoulders, brown eyes, caucasian, full-bodied (5'9")
Race: British/Japanese
Alignment: Neutral Good
Clothes: White T-shirt /w long gloves that stop just below the cuffs, Jeans or a light brown skirt.
Weaponry: N/A
Species: Human (immortal)
Origional Creator: Me (MoroiiAngel)
Story: Rachel's birth killed her mother. Her father was the only family she ever knew. When she was 21, she contracted tuberculosis, and for two more years she suffered, and nearly died before Tekka found her, and gave her immortal blood. Rachel is not a vampire, because she lives off real food, but every two months or so her cough comes back and to stop her from fading away Tekka gives her more immortal blood. This prevents her from dying, or decaying for that matter.
Personality: She is kind, and a little quiet. Much more reserved than Tekka, and rather angsty at times.
Rachel McKenna


Name: Morgan Laf
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: short black hair, bright green eyes, thin face, tall (5'11")
Race: Greek
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Clothes: baby blue top, blue jeans, long black jacket, hiking boots
Weaponry: a small knife in her boot
Species: Vampire
Origional Creator: Me (MoroiiAngel)
Story: She has lived on the streets for her entire life. At about 10, she lost her brother, and the past 7 years have been spent mourning him. She was made a vampire only just recently, and is barely scraping by with her new role in life. Or after life.
Personality: She can be very snappy at times, but as a young child she was taught very strictly to follow orders. It is her weakest attribute, but whenever someone gives her an order, it is a horrible struggle to disobey.
Morgan Laf


Name: Codie Peters
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Messy long brown hair, dark grey eyes, silver thinly-rimmed glasses, very thin, average height
Race: Canadian (Irish)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Clothes: Black baggy pants, dark purple polo shirt, black robes, brown clunky boots
Weaponry: Wand; oak, 8 1/2 inches, dragon heartstring
Species: Witch (Human, basically)
Origional Creator: Me (MoroiiAngel)
Story: Was born in 1986, and grew up in Alberta, Canada. When she was 11, she proved to her parents she wasn't a squib by getting inducted to Hildeed, a Wizarding school in Canada. She was sorted into Draconit. There she met her best friend Megan, who later committed suicide, which left Codie very bitter. When Codie was 13, her parents split up, and for this school year, (her second last) Codie is being sent to live in England with her Aunt, Rita Skeeter. She will attend Hogwarts.
Personality: Extremely bitter. She hates just about everyone, and only has a soft spot for people who have lost their best friends, or have been seperated from their parents. Aside from that, she resents Harry Potter, because even though he lost his parents, he is famous, and has millions of people who care about him. She was put into Ravenclaw (sometimes she is in Slytherin).

Name: Celina (no last name)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance:Short blonde hair, blue eyes, short
Race: British
Alignment Good
Origional Creator: Me (MoroiiAngel)
Story: A friend Rachel met on her last trip to Europe. Absolutely no tragedies in her life to speak of. Has a mother and father whom she lived with till she was 18. Came over for a month or to in order to visit Rachel.
Personality: Very ditzy. Oblivious. Your good old blonde character. My most flat character... that is, she rarely changes.

Name:Fred Weasley
Gender: Male
Race: British
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Appearance:Scruffy red hair, greeny-brown eyes, 5'4", very fit
Clothes: Black robes with a pair of jeans underneath, and a green shirt, or his red flannel shirt over with Weasley's Wizard Wheezes shirt and a pair of jeans.
Weaponry: Wand, and all his 'jokes'. He's become very good at potions and can whip up just about anything.
Species: Wizard (Human)
Origional Creator: J.K. Rowling
Story: Attended Hogwarts school until a few months before he was supposed to graduate. He and his twin brother George opened up a joke shop in Diagon Alley. Since meeting necromancer Codie Peters, his life has seemed to take a turn slightly for the worse. He's died over 20 times, and has been resurrected before any family member has become too suspicious. He's also had a few relationships in more recent months. His story continues. (Read Harry Potter, and you'll get a more in-depth story.)
Personality: Incredibly unreliable. Also very playful. He can be horribly flirtacious, and not even notice. He's incredibly oblivious to the difference between girls and guys, unless he's actually interested in the girl. He's very quick to become excited and hyper. He is hard to win over, but extremely loyal. He's never very "nice", but he is always supportive when you need it most. A real softy.

Rachel B.
Name:Rachel Berenson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: American
Alignment: Neutral... on the chaotic side....
Appearance: Long blonde hair, brown eyes, very pretty. 5'7"
Clothes: Blue jeans and designer shirts.
Weaponry: Herself.
Species: Human(shapeshifter)
Origional Creator: K. A. Applegate
Story: Was a 'regular' kid until she had an encounter with an Andalite(alien). He gave her and four others the ability to morph, to change form, so that they could fight the Yeerks, who were attempting to take over the human race. (Once again, read the books and learn more)
Personality: Very stubborn. She is very gung-ho about fighting off the baddies. She can come off as a nasty girl, because she's very quick with the comebacks. Rachel acts tough and defensive, but in the end she really cares.


Name: Ronald Weasley
Age: N/a
Gender: Male
Race: Human (British)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Height: 6'3"
Appearance: Red short hair. Blue-green eyes. Freckles like a...thing with lots of freckles. He is well built and grown into his frame. Might be considered good looking if he stopped slouching and smiled.
Clothes: School Uniform
Weaponry: knives, swords... any sharp object he can get his hands on...
Skills: He is extensively knowledgable about weapons of any kind. He hasn't actually had tactical experience with any firearms, but he knows all the theory. There's one more thing, but it's a mystery to almost everyone.
Magic: He can turn anything he can see any colour he can picture. He can also heal fairly quickly, but only himself. He's been through the Hogwarts curriculum, so...
Origional Creator: J.K. Rowling
Personality: He is the poster child for teenage angst. Ron's respect is very hard to earn, but once he is on your side, he is unmovable. He tries everything in his power to attempt to be happy, but he's not mentally stable. Ron locks up any other emotion but anger. Anger, he feels, is the only emotion that's not healthy to keep locked up.
Ronald Weasley

Layout by Yanagi for Radical Dreamers Designs