• Replacement Toga Nominations Revealed
  • Open Invitation To The Stars!
  • Bigfoot Hunt Begins
  • Socks to be banned?
  • Concerns over lavatory conditions at Winter Games.

To find an item of choice on this page type the word.

January 2003
[Return to Page One]

Story by Glamgasm, 'King of the Rumbling Spires'
Some time ago, NotS brought you the exclusive revelation that the transparent toga in everyday use was soon to be a thing of the past, and that the garment would be reserved for special formal occasions in the future. Now we can bring you the designs that the High Council have chosen to replace the traditional outfits worn by all followers of the Sutra. We have no idea if the new Ruling Buddha of the High Council will overrule this decision or not.

Many of the outfits are highly controversial, and the sanity of the High Council must be called into question, though some of the possible winners do receive high congratulations from me.

However, I would have liked to have seen more glamour and glitz, lots of glitter would have been very nice indeed and I am sorely disappointed at the lack of over-sized shoulder pads in the contenders.

As the unofficial glamour and fashion guru of TOSA I feel that I should have been asked for my opinion and possibly even designs. Who knows, maybe I was but I've been so busy with my world tour that I haven't been home yet to my batchelor pad in London to check my post. I expect Giles would have told me if I had received anything important from the high council.

Oh Giles is my glittery butler by the way, I don't think I've mentioned him before. Maybe I should make him try out the different outfits and then I'll take a picture of him for you all to laugh at or admire in some kinky deviant way? Ah, but enough frivolity. On to the contenders.

Scroll back up to view all the entries for the new TOGA outfit to be worn in everyday use by members of Sutra Temples. Then you can go to the World of Shrine OOC Group and vote on which design YOU would like to wear during your studies of the Sutra! The winning entry will be revealed at the OOC Group when the poll is closed and I shall wear the winning design when I sing at the opening of the Winter Games! WOW!

Finally, for your delictation I have included below some designs which didn't quite make the shortlist but are worth a quick glance:

Now you decide if the togas on
the right deserve to be the candidates
for the new design or not. Personally, I
think the High Council have lost the plot.

Nevertheless, choose one of the 6 entries and
vote for your personal choice at the OOC
group for the World Of Shrine.

Join the OOC Group here.

If YOU have a far better suggestion
for a new TOGA design then you
can email it directly to NotS now at
the following contact email address:


Entry 1:

An intricate design in red, white & gold for men
with a nice black number for the ladies.

Entry 2:

A solitary stylish white cape with wooden weapons sheath and sling, any garment can be worn beneath.

Entry 3:

Hawaiian style togas, perfect for frolicking on the beach at a moments notice.

Entry 4:

A design based on the TOKI toga of scarlet with gold trim, very lush and fairly glam.

Entry 5:

The calypso toga, available in various patterns and pastel lilac shades with free rum included.

Entry 6:

The business toga, white collar and tie included, dark shades are optional.

Story by Ceridwen ach Eryi
A result of a drunken night out, we at the NotS candidly present our invitations to the stars to join the glorious Temple of Sensual Awareness!

Yes, we have truly outdone ourselves this time! Maybe it is because we cannot see a damn thing, what with no lights, maybe it is because we really did drink Cerberus' entire supply of alcohol this New Year...but the first invitation to a star to join TOSA has been sent. Here is what we wrote to our first victim, ah, prospective member, one Elijah Wood:

Dear Mr. Wood,

First of all, may we just take the time to congratulate you on your recent work in the continuing 'Lord of the Rings' saga: your acting is admirable, your accent impeccable, and the scenery so very beautiful.

May your work bring you much joy and happiness in the years to come!

However, down to the real business at hand:

We run a fictional temple, yet it's highly reputable. Currently we are under attack from a highly blasphemous individual possessed by an ancient demon, but we have excellent jacuzzi and dormitory facilities, always open to the weary traveller and the seeker of enlightenment.

We would like to take this oppotunity to invite you to join our growing community. We feel you would be a valuble ally and a great asset to the group. You would gain much out of being a part of our temple!

For more information, or to join the temple, please visit:


We must stress we are not complete wierdos, only marginal weirdos. We are NOT psychopaths, either. Well, one of us might be, but then, there is always one.

If you have any further questions, please direct these for the attention of the Shrinemaster, or Ceridwen ach Eryi at our OOC (out-of- character) forum:


We would welcome a reply, if only to decline our generous offer. However, we hope you will join us!

Love & Biscuits,

- Ceridwen & Shrine


Elijah Wood - JOIN US!!

We sent this letter via air mail first class, and now await the reply. We could be waiting for a while...Anything we do receive back will be scanned in for the next available edition of the NotS, so you can all see!

A new victim will receive an invitation next month, and you can find out who that is, and what we send in the February edition of the NotS!

Story by Hank
News of the recent Sasquatch sightings at the House of Lurve have led to an influx of hunters, scientists and kooks [no, not the song by David Bowie] from all over the globe.

Is this Bigfoot? Surely it's a fake...

The impact on tourism in the local area is huge but the impact on the natural environment is devastating. Petitions have been sent to the local government to try and stop the hoardes rampaging through the undergrowth and damaging sites of special scientific interest. We at NotS have learnt that these letters are being systematically ignored.

It turns out that Jeremiah Francis, local counsellor for the area and representative of the farming communities around the TOSA territories is on the payroll of Troubleshooters Ltd, a subsidiary company of a certain "Byron Inc.", an organisation we know only too well at NotS.

Claims to have SEEN Bigfoot
Bob McDonald - He looks like Bigfoot...
er... he claims to have SEEN Bigfoot and the Golden Alien.

Posters have been put up for the capture of the Bigfoot all around the local woods and highways and an even greater influx of visitors is expected now that new rumours of an alien being spotted have surfaced.

It was revealed to the public that several witnesses have come forward to the authorities claiming to have seen a bright golden alien, formidable looking with big guns and glowing eyes, and that it just mysteriously vanished into the woods.

Several other people have come forward claiming they were attacked by wolves, which haven't been seen in the area for 15 to 20 years previous to today.

The Baron
Sheriff Baron Duane von Heinrich II

Local park warden Sheriff Baron Duane von Heinrich II, [known as Duane to his colleagues, or Sheriff Heinrich II to his family] is said to have found bark rubbings which prove the presence of a forest-dwelling yeti beast of some description.

Is it possible that the Sasquatch has been sighted near the House of Lurve? It seems that anything is possible in the vicinity of the TOSA Temple and the mysterious book known as the TOSA Sutra, but can this myth actually be taken seriously?

And what of the reports of a strange glowing golden alien being with weapons and rayguns, and of the return of wolves to the area for the first time in 20 years? Is there a more sinister explanation for all this ridiculous nonsense?

One man in a local paper suggested that the TOSA Temple was behind it all, and that the CrAzY people there were to blame.

Some clown...
'A local clown speaks out'

"Them TOSAns, they so straight crazee, selling their moonshine liqor called Buzz Juice to innocent young kids through illegal outlets and such. Y'all don't know what them miscreants and deviants get up to. I say they're polluting the rivers with their foul excrement which is an insult to our Lord above and the earth below. It ain't none right I tell ya! It ain't none right." - A local clown.

We at NotS don't believe this lunatic and are now more inclined to believe the preposterous stories of Bigfoot roaming the countryside than some red-nosed freak from the YMCA. Unless of course someone proves us wrong.

- Hank

Story by Studd Muffin
Huge concerns are mounting over the safety of spectators at the forthcoming WoS Winter Games after it was revealed that there might be a danger with the lavatories at the event [If it goes ahead due to the evil act of the DEMONIC wicca novice... *spit*]

Health and Safety officials claim that due to the extreme cold and freezing conditions of the freak winter that has set in, spectators may actually become frozen to the loo seats as they relieve themselves.

Concerns have also been voiced over the threat of avalanches and spectators being buried alive in the cubicles under 30 feet of snow and rubble.

A spokesperson for the High Council Creative Solutions Department has issued a statement:

"Our best scientists are working on this issue which we hope to have resolved shortly, and definitely well before the games begin. We have looked into heated toilet seats but the Health and Safety Board feel that this might cause unnecessary burning of the rear.

At times it seems we cannot win, but we will find a solution no matter what. The games will not be cancelled due to a minor irritation like this. One possible solution may be a brand new design of the humble toilet which would be impervious to weather conditions. We will show our ideas to the health and safety board soon and hope to have the matter resolved."

It is rumoured that the radical new design may infact be a cardboard container similar to that used in many hospitals for those who we may describe as the "bed-stricken-yet-badly-needing-the-loo" types.

Toilets - taken for granted TOO often

Story by Miss Syren
Is the humble sock about to become the latest item of clothing to be deemed unsexy by the High Council and thus barred from being worn in any temple? It seems so, but not as you may think.

It turns out that socks may still be worn in temples but only under certain conditions. The defining line is actually quite simple and is based on the difference between a man and a woman.

A High Council spokesperson had this to say:

"There is much wisdowm in the Sutra, but of socks it has this to say. The difference between men and women, is that women can look sexy just wearing tights, but men can never look sexy just wearing socks. This is the undeniable truth."

We at NotS had to agree with the wise sage on this matter, as no matter how we tried we couldn't help but laugh at any mental image of any man in just socks. One backroom cleaner did point out to me later though, that it depends how many socks and where you were wearing them. Bizarre.

So fear not, socks are not outlawed like such brazenly unsexy outfits like cardigans and anoraks, but if you happen to be walking around butt naked except for your tootsies, then beware for Section 69 may pay you a visit.

So close to being blacklisted - socks.

Clinton's cat - he didn't inhale either

We would like to point out that the banning of Socks
in no way refers to the pet cat of ex-president Bill Clinton or any other domestic animal of the same name.

More NotS Next Month... maybe... if the world is still here... and we can see to type... oh my.