Spiritist Philosophy

Explanations and messages regarding the moral teachings of Christ Jesus, and their practical application in life

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Fundamentals of the Spiritist doctrine


In one word, Spiritism is Jesus.

Spiritism is a reincarnationist Christian doctrine which helps us to practice, in all circumstances of life, the greatest Lord's commandment "Love your neighbour as yourself", which means the same as "Do to others all that you wish others to do to you."

Each religion may be understood as a different 'model.' Spiritist doctrine also comprises a model. As it does not contradict reason, nor scientific discoveries, it is a very convincing one.

Spiritism is not fantastic. It is logic. It explains us that the union among science (the "brain") and religion (the "heart") is indispensable for Human's evolution.

Foundations of Spiritism started being launched in 1857, with "The Spirits' Book", and also in 1866, with "The Gospel According to Spiritism". Both books were organized by Léon-Dénizarth-Hippolyte Rivail, better known by his pseudonym Allan Kardec.

Since those years until present days, several Christian moral teachings have been continuously transmitted to Human from spirits of high evolutionary degree, through various mediums all around the world.

The moral teachings received from high-degreed spirits may be summarized in the gospel maxim, '- Do to others all that you wish others to do to you,' that is, do good to all, and wrong no one. This principle of action furnishes mankind with a rule of conduct of universal application, from the smallest matters to the greatest, independently from whatever religion one follows.

If your present belief convinces you, leads you to right conduct, and gives you the necessary strength to face the difficulties of the life without blaspheming, it is already playing its role and there's no need for you to question or change it. But if you are not satisfied, if you have unanswered questions, if your creed does not really comfort your heart we suggest you to know the Spiritist model. Read, think about its teachings, and get conclusions by yourself.

"Selfishness is the source of all the vices, as charity is the source of all the virtues. To destroy the one, to develop the other, should be the aim of all who desire to insure their own happiness in the present life as in the future." (Allan Kardec)





Proofs of the existence of God

Spiritist doctrine fundamentals



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Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason face to face in every human epoch. (Allan Kardec)

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God is Just and Good.
Stop blaspheming. It doesn't work. Know Spiritism.


A tree is known by its fruits

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The vine-branch