Spiritist Philosophy

Explanations and messages regarding the moral teachings of Christ Jesus, and their practical application in life

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(part II)
Text below is an excerpt from The Spirits' Book ('Prolegomena').



We transcribe the words in which, by writing, through the intermediary of various mediums, the mission of preparing this book was confided to the writer (Allan Kardec):

-"Be zealous and persevering in the work you have undertaken in conjunction with us, for this work is ours. In the book you are to write, we shall lay the foundations of the new edifice which is destined to unite all men in a common sentiment of love and charity. But, before making it public, we shall go thorough it with you, so as to ensure its accuracy. ¹

¹ The passage placed between inverted commas are the words from the communicating spirits, whose very words are given textually throughout the whole of this book. The remarks and developments occasionally added by the author are normally printed.


"We shall be with you whenever you ask for our presence, and shall aid you in all your labours, because the preparation of this book is only a part of the mission which has been confided to you, and of which you have already been informed by one of us.

"Of the teachings given to you, some are to be kept to yourself for the present. We shall tell you when the time for publishing them has come. Meanwhile make them the subject of your meditations, that you may be ready to treat of them at the proper moment.

"Put at the beginning of the book the vine-branch (see below) we have drawn for that purpose, because it is the emblem of the work of the Creator. In it are united all the material elements that most fitly symbolise body and spirit: the stem represents the body; the juice, the spirit, the fruit, the union of body and spirit. Man's labour calls forth the latent qualities of the juice. The labour of the body develops, through the knowledge thus acquired, the latent powers of the soul.

"Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by hostile criticism. You will have rancorous contradictors, especially among those whose interest it is to keep up existing abuses. You will have such even among spirits, for those who are not completely dematerialised often endeavour, out of malice or ignorance, to scatter abroad the seeds of doubt. Believe in God, and go boldly forward. We shall be with you to sustain you on your way. And the time is at hand when the truth will shine forth on all sides.




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Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason face to face in every human epoch. (Allan Kardec)

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A tree is known by its fruits

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The vine-branch