Joseph Gregory Winesett

Born 23-Apr-1900 in Woodlawn, Carroll County, VA
Died 22-Feb-1969in Texas City, Galveston County, TX
Social Security: 235-01-3036 (Virginia)
Son of George Walter Winesett and Flora Green Burcham

Married to Grace? Samar Davis
Born unknown date and Died 14-Mar-1969 in Galveston County, TX
Social Security:
Daughter of Morton W. Davis? and Samar Rohde?

Listed as Gregory on the 1910 census. He was working for Carbide and Carbon Chemical Corp. in South Charleston, WV on 30-Nov-1936 when he applied for a social security number and was assigned 235-01-3036. He gave his birth date as 23-Apr-1900 but his death certificate lists his birth date as 21-Apr-1898.

A death orbit states that he graduated from VMI and worked for Union Carbide for 35 years, and had been retired 7 years at the time of his death.

While living in Galveston County, TX in the 1940's, Gregory joined the Texas City Lodge as an EA and served as Worshipful Master 1948/1949. His death certificate lists him as a retired supervisor of a gas laboratory for a refinery. He is buried in Galveston Memorial Park in Hitchcock, Texas.

A current member of the Texas Lodge told me that Samar had been a teacher in the Galveston County school system but he knew nothing else about her. One source researching a Davis family had a Grace Davis whose mother was Samar Rhode. Her Grace married first a Meyers and later a Winesett but she knew nothing else, not even the given name of the Winesett groom. I suspect her Grace and my Samar are one and the same and have so reflected above. If so, children of the first marriage are Sharon, Jo and Carol.

More confusion: Another source said Grace's mother was Jessie Edmunds. That Grace's father was German, her mother a native of Wisconsin, sisters were born in NC and NM. Grace was born in Samar in the Phillipines and became part of her name.

It is not currently known if Gregory and Samar had any children of their marriage.

Any information about the members of this family would be appreciated.

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