Christopher William Winesette

Born 28-Aug-1977 in Columbus, OH
Son of William Edgar Winesette Jr. and
Elaine Kay Withheld

Married 2001 Nickki (Stacy?) Withheld
Daughter of Withheld and Withheld

Chris works as the creative media specialist at a church in New Albany Ohio. Chris also has a sideline producing and editing videos.

Nicki (Stacy) is from Dayton, OH. She provides day care services in their home.

Chris and Nicki's children are Emylie (13-May-2004) and Madison (8-Jun-2006). Emylie was born on May 13, 2004 and Madison who was born June 8, 2006. Chris works as the creative media specialist at a church in New Albany Ohio. Nikki watches kids out of their home

All pictures were taken in 2008.

Any information about the members of this family would be appreciated.

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