

Funny Rubbish

Cool Random Stuff


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Funny Rubbish

This is where you can download all the funny crap I have on my computer.

Jedi Mind TrickYou must try this! It's freaky!
Mind VortexThis is a cool program that I made myself that can read your mind and tell you the number you were thinking of!
Pee On HeadA video of an evil kid pissing on his father's head!
Kick The Baby!A video of the day granny went mad.
Mars PanoramaA panorama made of some photographs taken on Mars by some robot. You can turn around 360° and see everything!
Intelligent NotepadThis notepad will "interpret" what you type and write what you really wanted to say!
I've got tons more rubbish like these, so this page is constantly updated. Come back later for more!