These are the items that I currently have for sale, or trade if you do not wish to trade anything from your own collection. If you are interested in one, or some of them; please email me a list of what you would like, along with what you have to trade for. Thank you for visiting, Darrell Shelton

Limited Editions:
1x -Brachs' Way Too Fast
3x -Jiffy Lube Pheaton
2x -Jiffy Lube Surf Crate
2x -Jaguar XK8 3rd Quarter Mystery Car

Action Packs:
The RugRats Movie
Drag Racing
Racing (Has bad creased package)
Snow Plowers
Team Knight Rider (Dante)(Small crease in card)
Solar Racing
Sky Search

I also have almost any of the 2000 Series, First Editions, Virtual Collections, and Mainline Cars that are out currently. That includes any variations, except a small few. Thank you, and I hope you find what you have been searching for here at Wildarshe Wheels.
Darrell Shelton