We need your help!
The following list is of fellow classmates that we do not have a current Address or Phone Number for.
Please take a moment to view the list to see if you recognize anyone that you may know the "where abouts" of.
If you do discover an Alumni  that you may be able to locate,  please email us at the address below so
we may try to contact them.
Thank you for your assistance

Reunion Committee 2000


Alexander, Bobby
Bailey, Margaret
Beran, Ernie
Brown, Gloria
Campbell, Linda
Childester, Mindy-Devon
Clark, Daniel
Collins, Victoria
Cordova, Betty
Cunningham, Barry
Davis, Danny
Davis, Shary
Decker, Herman
DeYoung, Marilyn
Easom, Sharon
Eiler, Linda
Gable, Robert
Gerald, Deborah
German, David
Godfrey, Pattie
Gradel, Denise
Graves, Rebecca
Green, Gregory
Ham, Gary
Hansen, Jeanne
Hartman, Don
Hartwick, Debbie
Hastings, Judy
Henderson, Harvey
Hidalgo, Bryant

Rettig, Patricia
Riddle, James
Ritchie, Trudy
Roberts, Michael
Rust, Paul
Rust, Linda
Sanderson, Delilah
Schroeder, Christi
Seeley, Randy
Shreeves, Ronald
Simmons, Forrest
Smigay, Mike
Smith, Gail
Somiya, Miyo
Sperry, Angela
Stromstad, Doryne
Swift, Pamela
Swift, Richard
Thimons, Karen
Tooke, Becky
Torres, Chris
Trimble, Debra
Utley, Mike
Walden, Bill
Walker, Robert
Williams, Billie
Williams, Joyce
Wormley, Joan
Wright, Christine
Zercher, Darlene

Hill, Martha
Hill, Janice
Hill, Sally
Hull, Jerry
Jaynes, Teresa
Jeffcoat, Brian
Jewell, Dennis
Johnson, Sharon
Korwek, Ottmar
Larimore, Brenda
Lee, John
Magee, Katherine
Manley, Mike
Martin, Deborah
Mays, Joel
McCaw, Dale
McEuen, David
Miller, Ken
Morris, Tina
Myers, Myron
Napper, Barbara
Northcut, JoAnna
Nowlin, George
Peterson, Karla
Pillow, Thomas
Pletcher, Deborah
Quintana, Virginia
Rains, Kelly
Ratliff, Paul

To contact us:

email: richpaul@falconbroadband.net

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