The Gizmoduck Anti-Shrine

"Darkwing, like you are so much more wiggy than Gizmo Duck" Gigi DeHen

Yes this one little phrase sets up the entire basis for this page. Gizmo Duck is a complete and utter jerk.
How can anyone really appreciate Gizmoduck over Darkwing Duck? It is beyond me. It's not the simple jokey heroics. Everything he stands for and represents is based on the self-delusion of his own ego, and he doesn't admit it.

  1. He acts like he has powers-
    Underneath that thin bio-cybernetic shell is nothing but 80 pound weakling Fenton Crackshell. Darkwing may brag about his physical prowess, does have some ability. Of course the Gizmosuit is going to make Fenton stronger, bigger and faster. So we shouldn't praise Gizmoduck for being all of these things. We should give DW more credit for keeping up to him.

  2. His Gizmos are really stupid!!!!-
    Gizmoduck's typical response to a villain.
    "Prepare for Justice, Fowl Vill-leee-yun" he shoots out a million useless appendages. Including a dead skunk, a pumpkin pie, a sprung boxing glove, etc. etc....
    I mean when was the last time you actually saw him use one of his Gizmo's for something that involved fighting crime? I mean if I had a Gizmo suit I would use my ice gun and freeze Liquidator, and a pair of rubber gloves to subdue Megavolt. He always shoots out all of this crap, reminding me more of Tex Avery than a real superhero. All Darkwing uses is a small gas gun, a few grappling hooks and his wits and usually comes out on top. Another thing about gadgets is that they break. How many times in the both series (Duck Tales, Darkwing) has Gizmoduck shorted out or blown up or something like that? If I were a superhero with a cybernetic shell I would invest in some WD-40.
    But "oh no! My gizmos are going hay wire!" and he either passes out or unintentionally beats on the other heroes. And Darkwing or the Duck Triplet have to save him, because he is unencumbered by gadgets and doodads.
    This whole process reveals the truth in the old zen proverb: Less is More.

  3. Gizmoduck is really Inspector Gadget-
    Come on don't try to pull one over on me. They have the same nasal voice (even though Gizmoduck mispronounces everything)They are both utterly oblivious. They both have dumb gaggy gadgets that never work right when they want them too, but just happen to kick in when they are in big trouble and they don't realize it. They both travel by heliocopters sticking out of their heads. They both have a contigent of intelligent prepubscent non-children who do all their thinking for them. (Penny & Brain, Huey&Dewey&Louie) They both work within the framework of Law and Order (National Guard, the police) They even both have the same warped sense of justice (Inspector Gadget tries arrests litterbugs, and Gizmoduck tries to return an overdue library book). I mean the more comparisions I find, the creepier it gets. Darkwing has stolen things from so many cool superheroes and has so many of his own unique qualities that one appreciates him for all his qualities. But Gizmoduck is a carbon copy of a hero that went out of style in the early eighties.

  4. He doesn't have feet.

  5. He has every vice that Darkwing has.
    He is really overblown. He is infatuated with Morgana, he is obsessed with his appearence, he is obsessed with his image. yet he has never had one moment of Angst in the Darkwing series. While Darkwing often laughs at himself with a capital L. Of course I'm not saying that Darkwing isn't self-indulgent and obnoxious, but why can't Gizmoduck every feel bad for being that way?

  6. He treats women as objects.
    When he isn't being completley patronizing, he is downright misogynistic. How many times has he had to save Gandra Dee, or patted Gosalyn on the head? He leered at Morgana for corn's sakes. While Darkwing is willing to see Morgana as his equal once he accepts the whole Magic Thing. The only reason he doesn't want her to join the Justice Ducks is that he feels threatened by anyone's help and he really worries about her safety.

  7. Any superhero that calls the National Guard is a coward.
    Die Fledermaus
    is the only other hero I have ever heard even standing the National Guard, and he's the biggest coward of them all. Superman, Batman, (and if you are stoned or something you could say the Power Rangers)never called the national guard, they would just show up insidiously trying to steal the glory. It is okay to cooperate with the police, SHUSH, even the army, but if you are calling the National Guard, you can't handle the problem, you are facing. Kudos to you Darkwing and other superheroes who are in constant vigilance against them <--!wav Just me and "The national guard lead by Gizmoduck-->

  8. Gizmoduck always reminds me of the Borg on Star Trek.

  9. Gizmoduck fell across his powers on the sheer powers of his stupidity.
    What person in their right minds says blathering blatherskite? While the choice to become a hero was Darkwing's. He decided to become a hero after a great amount of soul-searching and stuff. I don't think the mantle of superherodom can be thrust upon someone. It has to be earned. Gizmoduck just gets his powers one day, and he doesn't even know how to use them right.

  10. Like I said he doesn't use his powers right.
    Two words Skunk and Pie. No wonder Megavolt overloaded him.

  11. Tacky Uniform!!!!
    I mean he looks like a soda machine with fingers, and I don't like the G. He is even less like Superman than he is like Darkwing, despite his grandstanding character in the Darkwing Duck Series.

  12. There is an unpleasant and unnatural dichotomy in his two personas.
    It suggests a really strange and most likely pyschotic personality. Darkwing and Drake are the same person really. But Gizmoduck and Fenton are so strangely different that you'd think he had a split personality. While Darkwing/Drake situation is at worse stressful, the Fenton/Gizmoduck situation is nearly impossible. I mean Darkwing would never try to date two women at once. Not too mention that Gizmoduck is so illiterate.
    So in short there is something really creepy about the way Fenton conducts himself as Gizmoduck. But what is it about this huge identity gap that scares me so much?

  13. Fenton Crackshell lives with his mother. Darkwing maintains a secret hideout and finances a very nice home in the suburbs. Never trust a guy who lives with his mother after the age of 25.
Better careers for Fenton Crackshell