The Bodyguard
By Kate Seager

Plot: Jack saves Karen from being mugged, causing her to become so paranoid that she must take Jack wherever she goes for protection.
Disclaimer: The characters of Will and Grace belong to their rightful owners, not me. They belong to NBC and whoever wrote them. No profit will be gained from writing this story. It was written only for fun. No copyright infringement is intended.

Part 1

Karen and Jack walked together down the busy New York street.

"I really hope Rosario has finished cleaning the house," Karen sighed. "I get so depressed in an unclean house."

"Yeah," Jack replied. "Oh! We absolutely have to check out the art show. It is so wonderful!"

"Okay, that seems like fun. As long as Grace isn't there. I mean, look what happened at the last art show. Those paintings got soaked."

"Yeah, that was funny," Jack said, laughing.

"She blamed me for making her buy that hydro-bra, I can't believe---" Karen shrieked as two rough hands grabbed her from behind and started tugging on her purse.

"Get away from me!" She shrieked again as she was shoved to the ground, still clutching her purse, which her attacker tried to wrestle out of her hands.

"Get your hands off of her!" Jack yelled at the attacker angrily. He tore over there, grabbed the man and tossed him to the side.

"And stay away!" he ordered, as the man took off, without the purse. "Oh my God, Karen, are you okay?"

Jack rushed to Karen's side and cradled her in his arms. He stroked the side of her face as tears trickled down her pale cheeks.

"It's okay now," he said, pulling her carefully into a sitting position. "You're okay, and you still have your purse." Karen smiled and hugged him as he pulled her into a standing position.

"Let's go home," she said quietly, gripping onto his hand tightly.


They walked back to Karen's apartment, both extremely close to one another. Karen gripped tightly onto Jack's hand, while Jack had his arm wrapped around her waist.

"It's okay," he said gently, kissing the top of her head as she shook slightly.

Part 2 >>>

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