Cruise to Alaska
June 30 to July 10, 2000
Page 10, Juneau

Arrival at Juneau. Lydia and Werner
Hey MOOSE, get over here and smile, dammit!Bear, Dottie, Lydia, Camille, Denise, and Moose. (Photo by Jan)
Wadd'ya do when you get off the boat in Juneau?
Why have your picture taken with animals, of course!
Jan, Lydia, Denise, Dottie, and Camille. (Photo from Camille's camera)
Or without!

The city of Juneau, on the Gastineau Channel, lies nestled between Mt. Roberts and Mt. Juneau. It was the first town founded in Alaska (1880) after the purchase from Russia (1867), and it is the only state capital that is not directly accessible by road. The present population is about 30,000.
Historic DistrictHistoric buildings
Historic barHistoric people. Lydia, Marianne, and Mary resting up from the Red Dog.
Juneau may be the capital of Alaska, but the real attraction here is the Red Dog Saloon (you can click here to get to their home page), in the heart of its historic district. The Red Dog was recognized by the Alaska state legislature as the "oldest man-made tourist attraction in Juneau."

The walls and ceiling of the Red Dog are covered with thousands of items, including stuffed animals, guns, antiques, memorabilia and many items such as life preservers, flags, and pennants presumably left by ship's crews while in port. The floor is covered with sawdust, presumably left by a sweeper who didn't do his job very well.
Wadd'ya mean, Paint the walls?Anybody got a lifesaver?
Bang, bang!
Alaska became the 49th state on Jan. 3, 1959.Hic!Hey, I'M not stuffed, get me down from here!Grrrrrrrrr! Toss me up a beer!
Hanging from the ceiling, a 300 pound halibut caught in southeast Alaska in 1969We need better gun control, that's what WE need!
Oh, to be back on that slippery slope!Hey, look at me, I'm flyin' high!
Anybody lose a coat?Anybody find a coat?Hey man, anybody find my skin?
I wonder who their interior decorator was?

I feel SO horny!Hmmmmmm!I'm a mountain goat, and I'm horny too. (I seem to be stuck on this wall! Damn!)
Here's a few more that Camille took.

What am I supposed to do?  I don't have ANY standards!One hamburger to feed the multitude. Hmmm...sounds sort of Biblical.
The sign proclaims the restaurant's "official" policy, but who can find fault with a delicious ten-inch, three-pound hamburger and two pounds of fries to go with it?
Don't bother us now, can't ya see WE'RE BUSY!

Gosh, I always thought that I was number one.Click to enlarge
A locomotive from Alaska's first railroad. Now on display next to the Red Dog Saloon.
(Click on plaque to enlarge it for reading.)

Clang, clang, clang!I found a new friend. I think I'll call him Woody!
LydiaLydia again.
There are SO many things to do in Alaska's capital. There are museums, the statehouse, historical sites, scenic tours...I know, let's go shopping!

The Sun Princess, in all her glory.
The Sun Princess in port at Juneau, as seen from Mt. Roberts.
(We took the tram to the 1750-foot level for this spectacular view as well as the
aerial view of the city shown near the top of this page.)

I want to visit my cousins in Florida, it gets COLD up here!
Moss-covered trees on Mt. Roberts

Go to:
  • Page 1, Anchorage
  • Page 2, Denali - The Lodge
  • Page 3, Inside Denali National Park
  • Page 4, Going to Fairbanks
  • Page 5, Ride the Discovery III
  • Page 6, The Chena Indian Village
  • Page 7, The Sun Princess and College Fjord
  • Page 8, Glacier Bay
  • Page 9, Skagway
  • Page 10, Juneau
  • Page 11, Ketchikan

  • That's most of the pictures I have for this page, but there still might be a few more coming.

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    (All photos, shown without a credit, were taken 
    with an Olympus 460Z digital camera.)
    Latest update: August 21, 2000
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