Welcome to WakandaMan's
Heroclix Stuff!

This site is devoted to my online heroclix resources. It contains a lot of heroclix maps that aren't available elsewhere, with reference co-ordinates for online playing. There's also the image file with custom team abilities for Alpha Flight and Thunderbolts, and instructions for anyone to use to make their own.


Online Heroclix Maps

Team Ability Logos

Also check out my: Heroclix Custom Figures and Mods


03/06 ~ Added my Heroclix team ability custom logos to this site, so anyone can download them and make their own.

11/05 ~ Added the Centenial Park Zoo map from the Icons Starter, as well as three exciting new Custom maps. There's now 16 maps in total here!


My address here is: http://au.oocities.com/wakandaman/