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Our Mission

To provide a network for Vietnamese students and promote public awareness of Vietnamese culture through social and educational activities.

The Vietnamese Students Association, aka VSA, was established years before to help fellow Vietnamese move from the transitional social cultural shock to academic life in their new found homeland.  It had provided students with a mean to unite and collaborate ideas while fostering friendship through its activities.  

Through time, those original founders have succeeded their goals and the legacy slowly dissolved.  Yet, there are still influx of new immigrants and refugees coming to the United States.  

In 2000, the turning of a new millennium and also the turning point for VSA, when Lan Luu was elected Madam President of the Vietnamese Students Association.  The intellectual, energetic, and dedicated young lady rose up to revive the unknown VSA name to the staffs and faculties and local community.  She started out with Loc Ho, Thinh Nguyen, Dao Nguyen, and Vanna Bui in her cabinet.  In that year, the VSA was involved with many exciting and important events.  They sponsored the Bowling Night to introduce the new members; held a successful campus dance and two food sale fundraisers; educated the young students at Greenwood Elementary about Vietnamese culture; participated in Shoreline C.C. Multi-Cultural Night; and the planning and organizing of the annual trip, Vancouver, Canada.  

In 2001, Lan Luu was re-elected for a second term.  With better experience, determination, and a vision, Lan drafted out a full year agenda that continuously keep VSA in the spot-light.  To help carry out the agenda, the 2001-2002 cabinet included Vice-President, Sang Nguyen; Secretary, Anh Thu Van; Activities Coordinator, Thao Nguyen; Internal Coordinator, Dieu Nguyen; External Coordinator, Thuan Bui; and Publicity Coordinator, Nguyen Vu.  With common interests to make a difference to the people and the community that they live in, these officers and the leadership of the newly appointed president will serve as a mark for the future of the Vietnamese Students Association of Shoreline Community College.


To get more information about us, you can download the printable VSASCC Brochure (360kb)


Last Updated 03/18/02 02:13 AM
16101 Greenwood Avenue North
Shoreline, Washington  98133
(206) 546-4654
(206) 546-4599 FAX