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This tapestry is titled: "Nymphe des Bois dans les Laurentides" and is concerned about endangered species: the Nymphe des Bois is an endangered wood moth and of course the elm tree is even worse off today than it was back when this tapestry was first conceived and woven in the fall of 1973...

This tapestry was "stiched" using a double strand of wool (2 colour choices) in a "point de croix" pattern (4 colour choices) on a hooking rug mesh; the top layer of this X pattern alternates every line (one line of the top layer is ////, the next line down the top layer is \\\\).

You might ask yourself why this tapestry is so expensive?

First of all, all tapestries are expensive because of the time factor; this particular tapestry required four months of work to complete... And the cost of pure wool is expensive; the size of the work is large: 44" diameter including oak frame.