Healthy body, Healthy mind

10 commandments

1. Be Happy. Minimum thing to do in life is be happy. Mind keeps in control of oneself by always finding a reason to be unhappy or a reason to be too proud of (egoistic) or be judgmental of others. But to be happy, no reason is needed. Happiness is a state in which all the negative emotions are absent. In a happy state alone one would find true unconditional love. Happy mind is essential for healthy body.

2. Breathe always clean air (both indoor and outdoor). For that live in a clean air place. (Some places in Vermont, Oregon and Kauai have very clean air). Here's a link to find a clean place and all the bad air sources to avoid.

3. Eat always healthy fresh organic foods from this list. Drink always clean water. Don't put any thing on your skin that you can't eat.

4. Do classical atha yoga and pranayama every day. During day do long slow breathing with little throat constriction and consciously observing sound Hum during in breath and Sa during out breath. Do 15 minutes of meditation twice a day.

5. Keep hands and body clean. Brush, goggle and drink water after every meal. Sleep minimum of eight hours without even a little bit of light. Sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time. Don't eat anything for 3 hours before going to bed.

6. Show body to sunshine for 10 minutes a day. Play outdoor games or walk brisk for at least 30minutes a day.

7. Have yearly physical checkup with a very well rated doctor without subjecting to radiation and unwanted procedures.

8. Be appreciative and loving of everything and everyone around. Never subject to negative emotions. Negative emotions damage the body and make a person irrational. Instead of negative emotions keep thinking what to do next by using your rational thinking with a serene, calm mind and keep doing rational actions.

9. Lead simple life without accumulating junk and without stressful job. Take up a career that you would enjoy.

10. Be responsible for your thoughts and actions. Take control by yourself. Don't believe what ever others say until you find the truth. Every one carries believes which may or may not be true or which may not be true for some or in some context. Things which are time tested are the ones to believe in. Be in the association who are rational and live by these 10 commandments. Remember others go through differing emotions and their mind colors the world they perceive as ours do. Its essential to keep our mind calm and serene.