Articles in field of photogrammetry and remote sensing


+1. Orthospace 1.1 - новое программное обеспечение для обработки материалов дистанционного зондирования
В.Ф.Чекалин, В.В.Некрасов, Ю.В.Головин, Третья учебно-практическая конференция "Проблемы ввода и обновления пространственной информации" Москва, 23-27 февраля 1998 г. сс 139-141. (doc format)

+2. Orthospace - новое программное обеспечение для обработки материалов дистанционного зондирования
Некрасов В.В.
[Тезисы доклада на 4 Международной конференции «Методы дистанционного зондорования и ГИС-технологии для контроля и диагностики состояния окружающей среды» МИИГАиК, г. Москва, 21-23 декабря 1998 г.] (doc format)


+3. Ortho/Z-Space Software and it's use for solving of actual tasks of modern Cartography
Victor V. Nekrasov
Russian Concept and Technology of Satellite Remote Sensing and Cartography march, 3-9, 2001, Seoul, Korea pp 31-58

+4. Совместное использвание снимков различного разрешения для повышения точности внешнего ориентирования стереомодели
Некрасов В.В.
Известия высших учебных заведений. Геодезия и аэрофотосъемка №4 2001 г. Московский государственный университет геодезии и картографии сс 98-102

+5. Некрасов В.В. Повышение точности внешнего ориентирования стереомодели // Геодезия и картография 2001. 11. 32-34.


+6. Алгоритмы получения ЦМР по материалам космических съемок
Журкин И.Г., Некрасов В.В.
Геодезия и картография 7.2002 г. сс 43-48

Victor V. Nekrassov, Nikolai M. Moltchachkine
ISPRS Technical commission VII Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring and ISRS annual Convention december, 3-6, 2002 Hyderabad, India (doc format)


+8. Синтез алгоритма стереоотождествления для обработки космических изображений
Некрасов В.В.
[Тезисы доклада на 4 научно-практической конференции «Современные проблемы фотограмметрии и дистанционного зондирования» г. Москва, 28-29 октября 2003 г. сс 28-29] (doc format)

Victor V. Nekrassov, Prof. Vladimir F. Chekalin, Nikolai M. Moltchachkine (doc format)

10. Analysis of algorithms for generation of Digital Elevation Models from space survey materials
Журкин И. Г.Некрасов В.В.
This paper presents an overview of algorithms for generation of Digital Elevation Models. It is shown that for presentation of a large size elevation model it is necessary to use algorithms of triangulation of irregular set of points. There are described data structures and primitives for work with them. A new algorithm for triangulation is introduced. Its analysis and comparison with existing algorithms are presented. There are described data structures allowing maximal use of the advantages of the new algorithm.

11. Joint use of images of different resolution for increasing of accuracy of exterior orientation of stereo model
Nekrasov V.V.
The paper considers the conditions for increasing of accuracy of exterior orientation of stereo model - that is use of highly accurate control points and joint processing of a stereo pair of medium resolution and a single image of high resolution. There is proposed a method for increasing of accuracy of exterior orientation due to orientation of high resolution image in a free coordinate system of stereo model. It is shown that the accuracy of exterior orientation of stereo pair can be of the same order as accuracy of recognition of control points on high resolution image.

12. Increasing of accuracy of exterior orientation of TK-350 images
Некрасов В.В.
The paper considers the conditions for increasing of accuracy of exterior orientation of ТК-350 images (meduim resolution) - that is use of highly accurate control points and joint processing of a medium resolution image and a high resolution image. There is proposed a method for increasing of accuracy of exterior orientation due to creation of stereo model from high resolution image and medium resolution image and transferring of ground control points from high resolution image to medium resulution image. It is shown that the accuracy of exterior orientation of TK-350 image can be of the same order as accuracy of recognition of control points on high resolution image.

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