Why I Say I Love Tori

Although I've Never Met Her

Many people say things about how it's impossible to love a person you don't know. Well, they may be right.


Her music and lyrics are so beautiful, they can bring me to tears. She has a way of describing her life that most people can relate with. Some lines I personally relate with include:
"These little earthquakes. Here they come again. These little earthquakes. Doesn't take much to rip us into pieces."
"She's been everybody else's girl. Maybe one day she'll be her own."
"So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts. What's so amazing about really deep thoughts?"
"He said 'You're really an ugly girl, but I like the way you play' and I died, but I thanked him"
I could go on for hours!!

Tori seems to have lived every womans nighmares. Rape. Miscarriage. What other things can horrify a woman like those? Yet, Tori has managed to carry on (no easy task...) and share herself and her experiences with the world. On her first album, Little Earthquakes, she shared a painfully beautiful song, "Me and a Gun," about her rape. She has sung that song at most of her concerts, which must force her to relive the whole thing over and over. I don't think I could do that.

Then there was her miscarriage in December, 1996. Please refer to the line in "Spark" from from the choirgirl hotel which says "she's convinced she could hold back a glacier, but she couldn't keep baby alive." May I just cry that someone has ever felt this way? (I know that I have a friend who had a stillborn baby and she felt the same.) What strength Tori shows to share these feelings with the world.

Tori has shown her desire to help others by helping to develop RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) which operates the nation's only toll-free, 24 hour sexual abuse hotline (1-800-656-HOPE). (See my Tori links page for more information.)
She has also helped to bring the unbearable and utterly horrifying practice of female circumcision to light through her song "Cornflake Girl" from Under the Pink. (Please see my Tori links page for more information.)

She just seems to have a peace-seeking soul, yet seems to also have a free spirit embracing life! She seems to have so much fun in her life! Tori can be this calm, peaceful woman and this intense, amazing woman. (I think all of us have these different sides.)

I know reading and hearing interviews can never give a complete picture of a person, but I do think it gives a good idea. I mean, I know Tori probably has her own "God, do I really have to get out of bed and deal with these people" kind of days, but the biggest part of her life seems to be very down to earth, warm, and sincere.

And besides all that, in a wierd way, Tori helps me understand how people felt around Jesus when He walked the earth. Let me explain...

When I see Tori perform or in an interview, she brings me to tears. I'm just so moved by the mixture of beauty and pain, the tears can't be held back. Now you're thinking, "What does that have to do with Jesus?" Well, it helps me have a vague idea how those people who met Him and fell to their knees weeping must've felt. Knowing how moved *I* feel because of a human, I can only guess how these people felt when they met Jesus! Now *that* had to be an intense feeling!

All these reasons are why I say I love Tori, although I've never met her...

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