
Lisa's Hall of Silliness

Screen Shots

If GeoCities tries to say that any of these images is missing, just right click on the red X and select "Show Picture" because they're all there and the links are correct.

Damn, that's cold...
Traumatic childhood? Or maybe he just met one of Paul's Ventrue...
It almost makes me want to go to a sporting event...

Other funny graphic thingies

Coming soon! Calvin's Snowman House of Horror!

If God meant for people to be bisexual, there would be two sexes

Text Files

A log of an odd conversation on MSN-MS
That crappy old "God grant me the serenity..." poem with a homicidal twist
A sample of the DNRC (Dogbert's New Ruling Class) newsletter by Scott Adams. A must see for all you inadvertant Induhvidual Dilbert fans.

One of those horrendous little questionnaire things rendered amusing by:
Dee, Lisa, and Paul