
Violence Authority of Pictou County

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Great Book of Wisdom

VAPC: MISSION STATEMENT-We the V.A.P.C. pledge to be always the biggest loudest mob of people when R.A.W. comes to town. We pledge to always love cheese, to take hardcore weapons to events and forever woo Wildman Austin, to support our friends and crush our haters, we shall as the day we started, until we die. Cruel but fair.

News Bulletin


 fighting off tumbleweeds. a winning battle? anyone who wants to post on the bulletin to say whatever, message me. want anything on this site just let 63 know...anything. check out song2 by blur. it's a long wait tho.


Whats Your Cheese?

63 is not getting enough beatings
It's alright but I still wanna put you threw a table
Did you just wack me with a carrot?
Not enough cheese
Same shit, different pile
All foam and no beer
I like chicken
Blame it on Kingman
V.A.P.C.??? ...Whats a V.A.P.C.???
This rules, It kicks ass!!! This is the shit! Its all good

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