Justin Sirios


Name- Justin Sirois

Age- 15

Instrument- Lead vocals

Equiptment- 1998 Sheraton 2, old ass yamaha guitar, 1972 Fender Musicmaster bass, Kingston bass, Boss metal zone pedal, crappy old crate amp.

Favorite Band- Bad religion

Words you Live By- to be punk you must revolt against punk, it doesn't come tight black pants and mohawks, it comes your mind.

Favorite Song- "Freebird"

Goal in Life- make enough money to by beer and an apartment

Hobbies- playing guitar, write poetry, play video games, and see how many cigerettes I can smoke in a day

School- HHS, no college

Favorite Soda- Budwieser

Random Comments- (See words to live by)

Shouts out- Jon (my brother) for beating the shit out of that 24 year old who was messing with my girlfriend as we played "Bro hymn", My girlfriend Lauren, rad chad,and nicki sixx.

e-mail- not yet

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