The most insane and creative girl I've ever met, Saskia. This was taken @ the Silver Dollar in Toronto, on Blue Grass night. I have never experienced a moment like this girl, shoeless, on the school lawn with her accordion, or her on stage for her jury with a balloon tied to each wrist, declaring 'you don't know what love is'.
Dean on the left, Shane on the right, styling the scarves which symbolise their absolute coolness. Yeah, uh, Dean, on this ballad, could you give me a rubato intro? Thanks...
By this point in the night, it was necessary for me to lead Rob's (left) and Charlie's (right) drunken asses all over Queen Street. What an entertaining night that was! This is the level of drunkeness where Rob insists on hugging me every half hour, something he otherwise, refuses to do just to bug me. Anybody feel like pizza?
My sister Mel and I, Halloween night. She was a cat, and I was AIMING for the look of a rock star. What a weird night that was.