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Kenya My Country.

A country of good people and good nature

Kenya is a country of good nature and good people.We are very friendly people and we do not dicriminate any race.My country though not developed, is trying very much to develop. I like the people in Kenya because we take life very simple and we always try to do the very best we can to survive with the little we have.That is why we are very peaceful. Everybody is always dependent.

My country is very known for its Agricultural production and over many years we have exported alot of tea and it earns the country alot economically.We grow a number of crops like coffee, pyrethrum and wheat and barley just to mention a few.

Though we are agriculturaly rich, there is one section where we Kenyans must pull up our socks. We have so many forests and the forests are of great benefit to us and even to our environment. We should avoid cutting down the trees as much as we can because they are of great importance.Recently, the rain forests somewhere that i need not mention was cut down and i felt so hurt about it.I love my environment so much that i would not like seing it being destroyed.We should try as much as we can to reserve the little forests we have because they are there for our own benefit.

We are not only Agriculturally rich but we have some other things that donate to our development-"the wild animals". These have given us good foreign income since we have so many tourists visiting us just to see the variety of wild animals we have.We as well try very hard to keep our wild animals though there are some cases of animal poarching that we try to discourage.

Below are some wild animals found in my country

An elephant with stuggering appetite.

A leopard waiting keenly for its prey.

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Last updated 14th february 2002 by Vigdis Achola