Most of these images were taken off other website. The credits can be found at the very end of this page...(I'm really really grateful for all you!!!) I've lost the links to some of them so if you find that one of your pics are here, please send me a line and I will happily give you that credit!

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Opening theme of Utena, "Take my Revolution"

credits to images found on this page to:

Take my Revolution
The Utena Encyclopedia
The Gallery of Dios
Onion Kingdom
Blood Soaked and Honor Bound: Revolutionary Girl Utena


Images and other media on this site are "Shoujo Kakumei Utena - la fillette revolutionnaire" (C) Be-PaPas, Chiho Saito / Shogakukan, Shokaku Iinkai, TV Tokyo (or (C) their respective copyright holders).