
Cardio Warm UP
* Lift arms up overhead so hands touch.  Bring arms down to sides Repear without stopping.
* Make wide circles with arms circle your arms forward for awhile and then reverse directions and circle backwards.
* March in place with exaggerated arm swing
* Step sideways with right lef and bring left leg next to right.  Step left and repeat.  Criss cross arms continuously while you step.

* Stand and take hold of left wrist with right hand above head.  Pull to right. Keep torso stationary as you pull to right.  Repeat on other side.
* Stand with back to wall.  Turn upper body until you can touch wall with both hands at shoulder level.

* Lower right ear toward right shoulder.  Repeat on other side.

* Place hands behinds back and clasp hands together.  Lift arms until you feel a stretch.  Keep shoulders down and repeat.
*Place arms over head and clasp hands together.  Push arms back slightly.

* Bend right knee placing hands on left thigh to support body weight keeping back straight gently push hips foward until knee is overfoot.  Repeat other leg.
* Hold wall for support.  Pull one knee into chest slightly bend knee of standing leg.  Repeat other leg.

* Place 1 leg in front of the other.  Lean on front leg.  Extend back leg keeping heel pressed to floor.  Repeat with other leg.
* Hold wall for support place balls of feet on edge of a stair with heels hanging over edge.  Lower heels and hold.

* Bend left leg behind you and hold that foot with left hand.  Hold on to wall or chair for balance.  Repeat with other leg.

* With one foot elevated, keeping back straight, lean foward over straightened leg.  Repeat with other leg.

Inner Thigh
* Lay on back.  Bend knees and let them drop toward floor slowly.  Keep soles of feet together.

Upper Back
* Stand with knees bent and hands on top of thighs keep head up.  As you slowly round up lower back and shoulders, drop head slowly return to starting position.
* Kneel on floor.  Extend arms over head on floor.  Press hands to floor.

Lower back
* Lie on floor, arms extended out to either side.  Bend knees and lower them to the right.  Turn your head and look to the left.  Repeat on other side.

Full body
* Stand on tiptoe, while extending both arms overhead.

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