Unicron 2's Sci-Fi Jumpgate.

Dark Forces Reference File.

Cheat Codes & Level Passcodes

Dark Forces (PC)

LABUG: Crouch lower than normal.

LACDS: Map Supermode. Displays location of items and enemies.

LANTFH: Teleports you to the location of the red dot on the overlaid map.

LADATA: Displays map coordinates as well as percentage of secret areas found.

LASKIP: Skip to the next level, marking previous level as complete.

LAIMLANE: Total invincibility.

LAUNLOCK: All items.

LAPOSTAL: All weapons, ammo, health, shields and battery power, ice cleats, infrared goggles and air mask.

LAMAXOUT: All weapons, full health, shields, ammo, and all items.

LARANDY: Weapon supercharge.

LAREDLITE: Freeze all enemies the first time you type, kill all enemies the second time you type.

LAPOGO: Disables height checking. Using this in conjumction with LAIMLAME you can go very far.

LASECBASE: Danuta Secret Base.
LATALAY: Talay: Tak Base.
LASEWERS: Anoat City Sewers.
LATESTBASE: Fest Research Facility.
LAGROMAS: Gromas Mines.
LADTENTION: Orinackra Detention Center.
LARAMSHED: Ramses Hed.
LAROBOTICS: Antevvy Robotics Facility.
LAJABSHIP: Jabba's ship.
LAIMPCITY: Coruscant, Imperial City.
LAFUELSTAT: Fuel Station Ergo.
LAEXECUTOR: The Executor: Darth Vader's Star Destroyer.
LAARC: The Arc Hammer.

Dark Forces (PlayStation)

To access the cheat menu, input the following code during gameplay:
Left, Circle, X, Right, Circle, X, Down, Circle, X.

Links to other sites on the Web

Dark Forces Level Academy.
Bryan's Dark Forces Page.
Tola Dalton's Dark Forces Page.
Dark Forces FAQList.


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