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times since July 23, 2001.


selected by the Junior Friends.
Read about our favorite books, then go get them at your local library.

A few examples to get you started...

The Island of the Aunts
by Iva Ibbotson

If you like books about magical creatures this book is for you. Minette and Fabio are kidnapped and taken to the Island by two wild and ferocius looking aunts; Aunt Etta and Aunt Coral. There they are meant to be assistnt care takers of all sorts of magical creatures such as a boobrie, selkies, mermaids, and best of all, a baby kraken. Is this life too good to be true?

Written by Sarah

Wild Magic
By Tamora Pierce

This is the book for you if you're into fantasy! It's a book about a 12-year old girl named Daine and her pony Cloud. She goes looking for the legendary city of Tortall after her family is killed by raiders. On the way, Daine meets some new friends and enemies. Will Daine ever get to Tortall? Do you want to know what happens next? I'm not going to spoil it for you. You need to read it yourself!
Also if you like Wild Magic, you should read the rest of the series. Here are the titles:
Emperor Mage
The Realms of the Gods

Written by Jamie

The Doll People
By Ann M. Martin and Laura Godwin

The Doll People is about dolls who can come alive. But when Auntie Sarah goes missing, Annabelle Doll and her new friend Tiffany Funcraft set out to find her. Will they get to her before Captain, the housecat, does? And what's all this about spiders?

Written by Sarah

Write a review for your favorite book, and send it to the Webmaster.

Last Updated: August 27, 2001