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N-Year Photo

Katie at 9 months ascends Catbells on the site authors back. 

ABBA The tribute

New Year 2000 saw Hawse End centre filled to capacity.  The weather was excellent as you can see from the photo left.  There was a thin layer of snow on the tops to add interest with a cold wind to keep you awake.  Everybody was able to go out and do the stuff they wanted from small rambles with children to epics across Skafell and Skafell Pike.  People excelled themselves with the food with a chocolate pudding scoring the prize for most more-ish dish.      

New Years Eve dinner saw people in fancy dress - with some even managing to change costumes several times!  The prize goes to Arthur (I need more pictures) who came as a snowman - so good he frightened the children (poor Sophie still has to be assured the snowman will not be there when they go out!!).  People got together to provide some entertainment.  The ABBA tribute being superb - they had all practised with an ABBA video to get the actions right.  (Mike needed no practice - hes a natural)  Zoe and John did a perfect "you're the one that I want" from Grease.  And finally the Tony Gordon quartet provided live music into the ea

Looking forward to next year in Coniston. 

rly hours. 

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