FIRST GENERAL MEETING- for more info. Click Here









Habitat for Humanity has built more then 150,000 houses in 89 countries since 1976.  Millard Fuller, the founder and president of Habitat, has challenged the whole community of Habitat to build 100,000 houses between 2000 and 2005.  One of the major contributors is the campus chapters -- that's us!



Did you know…..?


*Approximately 42% of people experiencing homelessness are  

  employed (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2001)

*Many of these workers are employed by day labor agencies; an

  industry characterized by low pay, no job security, no health

  insurance, and inadequate worker protections.

*Since 1975, the real value of the minimum wage has fallen by 25%

*Overall, 15 million have critical housing needs and 28 million

  Americans are paying more then 30 percent of their incomes on




To Join Habitat for Humanity, UCR


Comments or Questions?-- Click Here














Go To The Following Link


Then click on JOIN GROUP!

You will then need a Yahoo ID and password.

If you don't have one, you can use our pass.

ID: habitatguest

password: habitat


Then, it is going to ask you for an email address

Type in the address that you wish us to send the Habitat information to.


If this doesn't work, please email us at:

and we will take care of the problem.



Membership Requirements


$15 Annual Dues 

(includes T-shirt price)

Fundraiser attendance  

per quarter

House-build attendance  

per quarter



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