" American Indian History"
For those who want the real story about the
"Old West" and how it was won (Stolen).
Try studying it from the true side,
the "American Indian" side.
I am not going to get on a soapbox on this issue,
but I have furnished some very good links for
you to explore! Go to the "LINKS " page
for more information.


Although any bead project I start takes me about
ten times longer to finish than someone with two
good hands,  I do it because of the intricate detail
and attention I have to pay to the project.
This keeps me focused and teaches me patience.
I also use it as therapy for my right hand so
I do not lose any more dexterity than I already have.
I have made bracelets, necklaces, earrings, chokers,
and wampum belts.


"leather work"
This I also due for a type of hand therapy.
I do leather braiding, sculpting, weaving, and have
made several knife sheaths, holsters, belts, pouches,
and possibles bags. My next project will be a
battle shirt made from brain tanned deer hide,
adorned with my own beadwork and leather lacing.
I also do repairs to our own saddles and tack as well.
To do it on a commercial basis would not be worth it
as it takes me much longer to finish a project than normal.
It is just a fun hobby I am trying to get good at
for my own personal use.

 Handmade Sheath...........Pouches & Bags

Decorated Hawk Handle

"Digital Photography"
I have always enjoyed photography from my
first darkroom back in my old college days,
to my present day computer studio. Instead of using
just a 35 mm SLR camera, now I use two standard
35 mm cameras, as well as a digital camcorder and
a digital still camera to give me the photos and
graphics I desire. All without the mess of mixing and
using caustic chemicals. Living out here gives me
ample opportunity to get shots of nature or just the
beauty of the landscape. We also have some
pretty bizarre characters out here that
make very interesting subjects.

I.P.S.C. Competition
(international practical shooting confederation)
I enjoyed this hobby immensely, though I have not
been able to compete for about 17 years now. 
I still keep my practice up when I can,
and I have learned to shoot left handed in the process.
My competition pistol was a 1911 Colt 45 ACP,
and was produced by Springfield Armory.
My sighting system was the old triple dot adjustable system,
which was pretty much the standard back then.
I still use the 45 from time to time, 
but my main firearms these days are 
a Berretta 92-S, and my Glock 17.
I learned to shoot without all of the fancy 
sight gizmos they use these days,
so that is how I still shoot today, as I no longer compete.
Now it is much more of a pleasure sport for me,
and I enjoy it when I can.


"Black powder Firearms"
Another fun hobby, when I can do it, is shooting
black powder firearms. I have a good collection of
firearms as it is, but I have a lot more fun shooting my
45 caliber "Hawken Plains Rifle", or my favorite...
my 50 caliber "Hawken Hunter Buffalo Gun". 
I love to buy and refurbish antique firearms, as the 
old black powder guns had a lot of fancy metal 
and woodwork involved in their making.
I have been a Gunsmith for about 22 years now so 
I can do all of the restoring, stock checkering, 
engraving, and metal finishing myself.
Nothing pleases me more than to see a restored
antique smoke pole hanging over the fireplace
with a fully stocked possibles bag hanging nearby.

Breakin in the Hawken!

Needless to say, I have had to hang up all of my bows
for awhile, but I still make my own arrows and quivers
in hopes of some day being able to enjoy the sport again.
I also learned how to make my own flat bows, longbows,
and self bows. I have six bows... from compound to recurve
and a few in between. It is still quite an interesting hobby.

"Cowboy Action Shooting"
My newest craze and hobby is cowboy action shooting.
I am more interested in the mounted aspect of this sport,
as it is a real thrill doing anything from horseback.
I am not yet ready for competition, 
as I have to train myself to shoot with my left hand 
instead of my right, but so far I am 
just as accurate as I need to be.
My side gun is a Ruger Vaquero in 45 long Colt, 
and my cross draw belly gun is a Ruger Blackhawk, 
also in 45 Long Colt. Both are single action... Duh!
Boot gun is a 38 caliber Derringer.
Saddle gun is a Winchester 94 in 30-30 caliber,
backed by a 12 gauge side by side Coach gun.

 "Hammin it up for the camera"


"Computer Art & Web Design"
I have just broken into the vast world of web design
and graphics. I find this fascinating as it always has newer
and better software to work with. I am learning to make
banners, buttons, dividers, backgrounds, animated gifs,
and putting them all together to make a web site.
I am now getting into 3D art, and eventually I would
like to do more in this area.
I use several software programs to assist me
in making my own graphics. A few in particular are
Paint Sop Pro 6, ULead's Cool 3D, Corel 4, Corel 8,
Professor Franklin's Photo Lab, Photo Plus 4,
Photoworks Darkroom, ULead Gif Animator,
and Snappy Video Capture.
I use several other programs to fill in the gaps
of the look I am trying for.
I am also amazed at all of the multi talented people
that are on the internet. I love to spend hours surfing
and locating the many different sites and viewing the
great selection of artwork that is out there.
One of my greatest pleasures and tools for artwork are picture tubes from Paint Shop Pro 6. It is fun to create picture tube paintings and the best source of picture tubes I have found 
for my liking is Winters and Old Guys Tubes and Tags.

"Animal Interaction"
This goes hand in hand with having any type of animal,
be it a pet, companion, or just a riding buddy.
From our Parakeet, dogs, cats, goats,
and up to the horses, I enjoy training and working
with them all as a way of communication.
It is as fun to teach an animal to do tricks,
as it is to watch them perform them.
It gives them a sense of pleasure as well
as something to be praised and rewarded for.
We all enjoy the good pat on the back
every now and then, and they are no different
than us in that respect.
I also enjoy any animal that will interact with
humans, be it wild, a tame exotic, a stock animal,
or a companion animal. To get any type of
critter to trust in you and want your attention
is one of the greatest feelings of friendship
that there is. You can feel their spirit.



"Little Buck"


"The Old Ways"
My most pleasurable pastime is to study the old ways of life 
that the Mountain Men, American Indians, 
and the Pioneers practiced. 
Life was hard, but much more rewarding back then. 
At least that is another opinion of mine! 
As a true loner, for many years I have enjoyed taking off 
and spending some of my vacations out in the mountains or 
desert areas by myself. I have studied and practiced how to hunt, 
fish, gather and prepare wild vegetation, and use everything 
that I procure without any waste whatsoever. 
We have many people in the area that live that way to this day, 
and I have learned a lot from them. 
The area we live in is a great place to learn such skills, 
as we are right smack dab in the middle of
some of the most beautiful wilderness area I have ever seen.
I am looking forward to putting up a Tipi on our property one of these days, in an area that is a special place to both me and the animals. It is an area where we all congregate 
and interact with each other.
A place where we are equal in Spirit.

If you want a real thrill, 
and taste the lifestyle of the old west,
throw on some buckskin and beads 
and head to your nearest
Mountain Man Rendezvous.
You will never meet a finer bunch of folks.
See ya at the Rendezvous!

Song Playing is
the theme from
"The last of the Mohicans"

Most of my neighbors know me as 
the friendly hermit of Aspen Road. 
The only time I leave is when I absolutely have to,
and that AINT OFTEN, the health thing ya know.
To those who do drop in on me,
they know that I could very well be running around 
in a loincloth and leggings, or even worse!!!
I love the lifestyle if you can call it one,
and it gives one a sense of great freedom.
Walking through the woods with my dawgs
and wearing nothing but Buckskin and Beads
gives me the sense of what it was like to taste 
the old ways of the American Indian and Mountain Men.
A true sense of freedom befalls you.
You ought to try it Sometime!

page 1
The Cherokee
page 2
The Elders
Living The Past
page 3
The Riders 
page 1
page 1
page 4
The Riders 
page 2
page 2
page 1
The Riders 
page 3
page 3
page 2
The Riders 
page 4
page 4
page 3
The Horses 
page 1
page 5
page 4
The Horses 
page 2
page 6
Pops Memorial
The Horses 
page 3
page 7
The Horses 
page 4
Home Page
Favorite Links
The Horses 
 My Awards
Our Family
The Dogs
 The Hair
The Cats
Our Other Critters
 Buffalo Jump
