I'll try my best to get as many updates as possible..... please email me any updates you hear!

Always go to HANSONLINE for the latest offical info.

Upcoming Hanson events....

Wow, I haven't updated in a while! I hope you've all bought "This Time Around" I reccomend it to anyone! Right now Hanson is wrapping up their US Radio tour, soon to come...... WORLD TOUR! I hope they come to PA!
New Updates.....

**JUNE 14th, 2000 -- Hanson was NUMBER ONE on TRL today! They beat: NSYNC, BSB, Eminem, Britney and others! Way to go guys, we did it! We just have to keep it up! Remember to call 1-800-DIAL-MTVbetween 2:30 and 3:00 on weekdays, and vote anytime! We have to keep them at the top!

**JUNE -- The new issues of Disney Adventures and Tiger Beat each feature TONS of Hanson stuff.. I reccomend getting both!
-- The new issue of Teen(The one with Jessica Simpson on the cover)Features a FREE Hanson CD! It's not a music CD, it's for your computer. It includes the EPK Quicktime video and an Outlook Express program sponsered by Hanson.net!

More updates as I get them! Please email me any updates you hear!
older news........

**FEBRUARY 26TH -- Hanson is making a special appearence at a mall in Monroeville , PA. It's a charity thing, so I think you have to make a donation. But, HANSON will be there! and me too! I'm going :) I'll post the pics when I get back. Go hereto see my review and pics!

The "This time around" single will be released onto radio airplay. Call up your radio station and get it heard!
Hanson will appear on MTV's Making the video WOOHOO! I love this show! After this you can request the video on TRL.

**APRIL 4TH -- The "This time around" single will be released commercially!

**MAY 8TH -- Hanson will appear on David Letterman, I hope David actually talks to them this time!

Hanson will appear on The Rosie O'donnell show!

Past events.....

2/14/00 -- Valentines day chat on Yahoo! It was pretty cool :) Zac told us he has a g/f named Betsy, who knows if he was joking! I'll get a link to the transcript when they post it.

2/11 - 2/14/00 -- Hanson was on the "In the studio" edition of MTV news 1515. GREAT INTERVIEW! It was a good look at the new videos.

2/10/99 -- Hanson was on Access Hollywood today, the interview was about three minutes, and they announced the making the video appearence. (see above)

2/9/00 -- Hanson did a small skit on The Jay Leno Show. If you missed it you didn't miss much, but it was a good peek at the new haircuts and Zac's DEEP voice!


Wanna hear "This time around" before it's released? Of course you do! The Rick Dee's page has a clip of the entire song!! click here to download it! Make you sure you have a Liquid audio player installed first though, or it wont work.

MTV online has a great section up about Hanson. It's called Hanson, a good wow. It's basically an overview of the 1515 interview.

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Email me at hansonbabe79@yahoo.com

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