The purpose of this Web Site is to provide friendly, open-minded information for those who own blue German Shepherds, or liver German Shepherds. Or for those who are intrigued by the colors and would like to learn more. We have a discussion group where everyone is invited to come, have fun, chat, meet fun dog folks, and find out that livers and blues are real dogs too. Visit with owners of blue and liver dogs; and learn how they do and don't fulfill the image of the GSD.

We are here to learn more and to understand the reason why there are blue and liver GSD's and why they are considered taboo. Studying the genetics is also a big part of why we are here, and to educate those who think the blue is more than just a color. Be sure to visit the FAQ's page and send us an email if you have a question that is not there. The Galleries of Blues and Livers will fascinate you with these wonderful dogs.

If you would like to join the GSD's Blues and livers group enter your email address in the box below, or visit the WebPage for the group and learn more about us. Thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoy your stay. Don't forget to bookmark this page and come back for updated FAQ's and pictures

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