Tattered Wings

Beautiful artwork by Loren Entz

Tattered wings and broken dreams

this soft sweet angel forged ahead.

Not looking backward but to the future

although her heart it always bled.

Years of devotion and daunted silence

kept her gaze on tasks at hand

raising a family in good times and bad

in this hard and barren land.

A tender hand was always close by

for children struggling too

she never cried or asked for pity

God knows she needed enough for two.

Tattered wings and broken dreams

this soft sweet angel forged ahead.

Not looking backward but to the future

for her loving master, who too had bled.

~Author Michael Garland~

Artwork showcased is used with the permission
of the artist, Loren Entz.

Graphic Sets & Designs by Thelma & Louise!!!  Come Visit!

Midi by Jeremy Robson