

It is important that you know I do not claim to have ALL the answers, just my views...These pages are written so that you might know some peace, or at least another perspective...

Secrets Of the Universe

Humans act out of two stimulants. Love and Fear.
What about jealousy, anger, revenge, so on and so forth

My thought:
People are jealous because they are afaid they do not meet up to the standards of another individual.
People are angry, because they feel threatened, backed into a corner if you will.
People choose revenge because they are afraid a lesser action will make others think less of them.

It is much harder to truly love.


Many of you will not like what i have to say about love...but here it is anyway...
There are not 100 different kinds of love or varying degrees. To say that you loved one individual more than another, is the same as saying that you did not truly love the one you felt less for. Love is non-judgmental, unconditional, abiding, heedless of discernment between souls.

Some of you may have a problem with the idea that you love your parents the same way you love your significant other. But consider what you are defining love by. You wouldn't dream of having sex with your parents. You're significant other however, may be another matter.
Sex is not love.
It can be a beautiful expression of said force, but it is not love.

"Freedom is the essence of who you are. Freedom is the essence of love. The word love and the word freedom are interchangeable. As is the word joy...They all mean the same thing. And the human soul cannot be joyful to the degree that it's restricted or limited in any way.
Therefore, when we love another, we never seek to limit or restrict them in any way whatsoever. Love says, "My will for you is your will for you." Love says, "I choose for you what you choose for you." When I say, "I choose for you what I choose for you," then I'm not loving you. I'm loving me through you, because I'm getting what I want, rather than seeing you get what you want.
Here is the supreme irony of the paradigm: The moment that I say, "I choose for you what you choose for you," you will never leave me. Because all we are searching for is someone who will let us have what we want out of life." Neale Donald Walsch on Relationships

"Even a wounded oyster mends his wounds with pearl," Emerson

"'All you need is love. John Lennon, smart man...shot in the back. Very tragic,'" from Independence Day

I will now step off the soapbox.

All gods are one god. All truths are one truth.(even opposing truths) Namaste.
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