What Is The Queen Market Web Ring?

This Web Ring links web sites which offer Queen items for sale. These can be items you wish to sell from your own collection, items such as art, etc, that you have designed and wish to sell, or even an index page of Queen auctions you may currently be running. You can browse around the Ring as if you are walking around a market selling only QUEEN merchandise! What a dream!

 How Do I Join?

To join the Queen Market Web Ring, you will need to fill out a simple form, then add an HTML fragment to one of the pages of your site. The URL you give on the form MUST be the page where you are adding your fragment to!! If you have a page of webring banners, that is the URL you must give; so please make sure your webring banner page also has a clear link to either your home page, or the page which is advertising your items!
Here is the HTML fragment for your page, but first, please fill in the form to submit your site to the Web Ring, write down the information you will then be given,  then come back here and follow the instructions below this HTML fragment. Fill in the form now.

What Do I Do Now I've Filled In the Form?

Step 1 - Edit the HTML fragment

In the HTML fragment above, find the words YOUR E-MAIL and replace them with your e-mail address.
Next, find the words YOUR NAME and replace them with...yes,...your name!
Finally find the words YOUR SITE ID (there are TWO occurrences of this) and replace them with the number you have been given as your site ID.

Step 2 - Save the fragment

Select all the text of the fragment with your mouse, right click it, then copy it. Paste it into a program such as Notepad, then save it as something like 'htmlfrag'. You will now know exactly where it is when you're ready to add it to your page.

Step 3 - Save this picture

Right click on this picture, select 'save image as...' from the pop-up menu and save it to your hard disk. The name should be Qmarket.jpg - do NOT change this name! Remember to upload this picture to your site when you add the HTML fragment to your page.

Step 4 - Add the fragment to your page

Please add it to your page SOON, as if you wait too long, your application to join the ring may be removed from the queue, and you would need to reapply.

Step 5 - E-mail

E-mail the ringmaster, say you've added the fragment, and your site can then be authorized and added to the ring!

That's it!
If you have any problems along the way, please
email me and I will be glad to help if I can!

Thanx for your interest in the Queen Market Web Ring!

Queen Market Stall
is managed by
Helen Charlotte Hill.

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