
Gary Clark

Gary Clark continues to work with Transister transatlantically from London. Gary will be involved in next Transister album as a co-writer, guitarist and even co-producer on some songs. This shows that actually Transister is still three. Also recently Natalie Imbruglia's new album that Gary has produced is released and it is well done.




Dinner Rush

'Dinner Rush' a film by Bob Giraldi features a new Transister song in it. Film is a crime/drama set in a New York restaurant. It is first released September 28 in New York and continues to expand other cities. If you are in US don't miss out that film and tell us if you spotted the new Transister song.




Make A Star

Eric and Keely's names appear on music review site MakeaStar.com's 'Industry Review Board.' IRB is composed of professionals with significant experience in the music industry. They will help unsigned artists develop their talent by giving on-line written reviews.

MakeaStar.com gives short introductions of IRB members to site users. Here are the ones of Eric and Keely for you (did not know that Keely played the piano) Also in the site, there is an interview with Eric and his advices on demoing. Eric says that he has just started producing again for other artists now, after Caprice. You can read all here or pay a visit to MakeaStar.com.




Transister Unofficial Site 2002 - 2006.