
Transister on Gnod

What do people who like Transister listen to? Answer is in the Gnod's world of music... Gnod is a self-adapting system that learns about the outer world by asking its visitors what they like and what they don't like. It is a kind of search engine for music you don't know about. Now it contains thousands of bands and quite some knowledge about who likes what. And gnod learns more every day. Go, teach Gnod more about Transister!




Look Who's Cool Now

One of the Adidas ClimaCool tv ads features Transister's 'Look Who's Perfect Now.'

Update : A note about this ad written on May 15, 2002 on the guestbook of Transister A Fan Site: "The ClimaCool ad was all over the NBA playoffs and it has created something of a sensation. Not just for the shoes but for the Transister song 'Look Who's Perfect Now!'"




Poll Ended

"What is your favorite track from the '-transister' album?" poll ended. 'Flow' is number one. Here are the results:

1- Flow
2- Weather boy
3- Look Who's Perfect Now
4- Dizzy Moon
5- Falling Off The World
6- Stars Collide
7- Head - What You Are
8- I Saw Red - Then I Walked Away - Day #1




Transister Unofficial Site 2002 - 2006.