Various Questions









We all know that the color of this text is blue (assuming you or your computer are not color blind). We have all been trained to see this particular shade as blue. Well, what if you could trade eye site with someone only to find out that the shade you were both taught to think of as blue is really what you perceived to be red? Is it possible? You can't really disprove it because no one in history as truly been able to see with someone else's eyesight. (Eyesight including both eyes and brain)

We've all read our history books. We've all been told that there are certain things in history that are truths because they were written down. Well, how do we really know that what was written wasn't fiction. I mean, I could write out some sort of book describing the earth during my lifetime and totally lie about it. A couple of thousand years go by, someone finds it, and poof; it's fact. I know it sounds a little far fetch, but think about it. The only way to have 100% proof of anything that happened is to have someone from this time go back in time. And even what they say happened on their return could be questionable as well. Is your brain hurting yet?

Here's a slightly moral one for you. Which would be the less of two evils? Say your spouse cheated. You decide to tough it out and stay. Unfortunately, the feeling of betrayal is deep. Here is the moral issue. If you had two choices in the stay department which would you choose? One, stay and live with anger and bitterness that could last a life time, or, two, stay, have your one night fling for self vengeance. Which would be worse? I realize this is more a question than a theory, at this point, but I haven't really rationalized out both sides. If you stay, and essentially do nothing, living with bitterness and anger isn't that a "sin." Imagine the pressure that would put on your life as well as your partner's. Now the second one. Adultery is wrong. No question. But so is anger and bitterness. Which is worse? The fling would only really be one night of intense "wrongness", yet the latter, over time could grow worse. Simple solution? Leave the S.O.B...

Are past lives possible? I met an individual that could speak a very early version of Russian, and had no clue how he learned it. He didn't even know what this "language" was that he knew until he spoke it for a linguist. Could it be possible that maybe past lives are real? That sometimes we could retain our knowledge from the past....

1.) Is this life real? Is it possible that we are all just figments of someone's imagination?
2.) Do different sects of Christianity think the other ones are going to hell cause they don't belong to the same church, or is it they think that only Catholics are going? (Face it; most other forms of Christianity are against Catholics.)
3.) How do we know numbers are infallible? Have we ever had anything infallible to really compare them to? And if we did, would we know it?
4.) If we, as humans, are merely animals, then why is it that our species evolved to become what we are? Why couldn't the cat or the dog have evolved to our level instead?


Why do we elevate our entertainers to the status of almost godhood? Do they truly do anything of great importance? What about the teacher that went that extra mile to make sure that one kid didn't fall behind. What about the volunteer down at the shelter providing blankets to the cold? It pains me to see the world renown actress/actor living in a multi-million dollar mansion while the teacher heats up leftovers in his/her two bedroom rented apartment.