

Video Games



Memento of Memories

Hello and welcome to Memento of Memories - Anime and Gaming @ Lain...Disconnected. This is my site for two of the best creations of all time: anime and video games. I know it's kind of weird that I didn't put the name of the site on the banner - but I didn't come up with it until after the image had been made and saved. I don't figure it's that big of a deal. I'll be sure to advertise the name everywhere else. ^_^ So uh, go have a look around and leave suggestions and/or comments here: [ ].

About the Layout

The name of the site was inspired by the characters on the banner, recent events in my life, and the absolutely wonderful movie Memento. I'm sure someone will find the name odd - translated, it's "a reminder (or warning) of memories" - but it's actually quite fitting to what's going on in my life right now. The movie comes in to play because there's a line where Leonard is talking about his wife and he says, "I know I can't have her back," and it's heart-breaking but creepy at the same time. You have to see the movie if you haven't already. And if you have, watch it again. Anyway, I used the image of Shido (left) the vampire detective of the anime Nightwalker because he looks like he's watching someone he cares a lot about walk away from him. I used the center image with Inu Yasha standing between Kagome and Kikyo because throughout the anime, Inu Yasha finds himself caught between his love for both females - and it's kinda like he can't make up his mind which one he wants although the best choice is obvious. And the image of Amon and Robin (right) just made me want to cry. It's a screenshot of a beautiful moment in time. And it reminds me of things that used to be. So there you have it - my incredibly sentimental description of the title image. *blush*

Latest Update - 22.05.2k4

I've updated two days in a row - wOOt! I got a lot of crap done today. All of the links on the left side are operational except those under Links (with the exception of Link MofM). I also created a bunch of links and some avatars for myself. So yeah! Go check everything out!

Finally, an update! It's been months - but I'm back. I created a new layout - made it myself but obviously inspired by Graham's Ghost Memories. I've also changed some of the content that I'm going to put here. But other than that, there's not much more going on. Sorry! Hopefully, I'll be able to develop this section of my site a little more now that school is over. Check back for updates!

Ayashi no Ceres

Fruits Basket

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Serial Experiments Lain

Witch Hunter Robin

your user number
Site and Layout © 2003-2004 Rei. All rights reserved.