Creed's interview on VH-1's "The Daily One"


Date: 13. April 2000


Cane- With me now Scott, Mark, Scott, Brian, of the band Creed. Thank you guys for coming on the show.

Scott- No problem man.

Mark- Glad to be here.

Cane- Success, Success, Success. I know on K-rock, a radio station that I work at, we're playing you guys once an hour. It's gotta feel good. Congratulations on everything.

Band- Yes, thanks

Cane- I know your first album was made for $6,000. There's a nice over head!

Band- (laughs) yes

Cane- 3 million dolllars....3 million records Do you make alot of money though? I heard you don't make alot of money on your first time out.

Stapp- Not as much as you do on your second album.

Cane- Cos people think your automatically rich, ya know?

Stapp- No

Mark- Not in this case

Stapp- Uh, you pay your dues ya know? Record companies are taking a chance with you, so the percentages are alot lower but if you do well on your second album it kinda makes up for the first.

Cane- Now the biggest thing with you guys, the biggest "controversy" if you want to call it that, is that your a Christian band and just purposely not saying so because it might hurt album sales...the lyrics are very spiritual obviously and like especially the song "Higher," I think deals with heaven and things of that nature, so how do you...What's your answer to those people?

Stapp- Yeah, I think if we came out and said that we're a Christian band we'd probably sell more records because there's alot of Christian kids who'd run out and buy it, who aren't allowed to buy it now. 50 percent of our fans are probably of Religous and Spiritual nature anyway, because of the lyrics, so I don't think it would hurt us at all. Um, if I was (a christian) I would say it and same with the other guys in the band, ya know, we're just ....some of the topics we deal with in our songs are about searching for meaning in life and dealing with how you were brought up and things like that.

Cane- Speaking of that, you were brought up very..uh..I don't know..tight fisted.

Stapp- Right.

Cane- Or your parents wouldn't let you do a whole hadn't even heard Zeppelin till you were like, what?

Stapp- 21

Cane- Yeah, can you believe that?

Brian- Yeah, it's a shame.

(Stapp Laughing)

Cane- So did that effect....I know when you first moved out, you were kinda bitter.

Stapp- Yeah I was, but I think most 17, 18 year old kids are pretty much fed up with their home life by the time they are a senior in High School, so it was pretty normal. The only difference I had to copy the Bible for punishment and other kids didn't. (laughing) and I think that definitely influenced my lyric writing because you write and you use references based on your knowledge and like I said, I've written the Bible quite a few times so it definitely comes out in my imagery....

Cane- You must know it!

Stapp- But,'s just trying to paint a picture with words in whatever way I can do that the best, is what I try to do.

Cane- We're going to talk to you some more here in a second- but guys hate the video for "Higher?" Is that true? I mean, I read about it hundreds of times. Why?

Phillips- Not that we hate it, um, just we were sorta promised one thing, and kinda delivered something else and...

Brian- The syncing in the video was way off....that's always bothered me.

Phillips- Yeah, there's some editing things where...(tails off)

Stapp- Yeah, I think we as a band have a specific vision for our videos and Corporate America puts the clamp down.

Cane- Right.

Stapp- and uh, we never really get our vision fullfilled and so it's frustrating, but I guess the videos are basically a way....another get your music out there and get exposure.

Cane- Right, and guess what? We get to watch it now. Here's "Higher" by Creed.

[Plays the video for Higher. During video, lists tour dates at the bottom of the screen. After tour dates they show some Creed Facts]

Cane- They're (Creed) chuckling as they are watching those facts too...Ah! You Bull-Crapper's ....that's not true...(band laughing) Only they know the truth.....We rolled some tour dates on there as well...

Mark- Your allowed to say Bull Crapper?

Cane- You are allowed to say bull-crapper, yeah, I said the other one once and they just beeped it it's ok. But VH1.Com is somewhere else you can go to check out Creed tour dates and 1 quick email here from Lori from California. She says "I hope you are better!!! All of your fans from the Bay Area want to know if you are going to reschedule your show that was cancelled back in Nov. 1999. We really want you to come back!! You are the BEST band around - Lori"

Stapp- Yes, we will be back. I got some really nasty food poisoning and ended up having to go to the hospital and get iv's and all that stuff but we'll be back... I think in a couple of months.

Cane- Cool, so you feel great?

Stapp- Yeah, I feel great.

Cane- Awesome

Stapp- Feel fine, everythings cool.

Cane- Again, VH1.Com you'll find them....Creed. Thank you for comin in.

Stapp- No problem, thank you.

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