Creed's interview on FarmClub T.V.


Date: 17. April 2000


Matt Pinfield- "From Human Clay, here's Creed!"

-Creed plays Higher-

Pinfield- "Oh yeah! Let's hear it for Creed! Hello Scott (Phillips), Mark, Scott (Stapp), Brian. What's up guys? Man, good to see you. So good to see you guys again man. All right everybody, what did you think of that performance of Creed? (audience cheers loudly) Yea, you know, passion still lives in music and there's some great stuff going on. Guys, I gotta ask you, how, how wild is it? Florida is taking over man, its you guys, we've seen Limp Bizkit, Seven Mary Three, Marilyn Manson, I mean, geez, we're talking about bands from all over there in every genre of music. What is it about Florida these days? You guys are a Florida band."

Scott Stapp- "I think, ah, Florida's become like the melting pot, you know, of pretty much the entire United States. There's people from all over."

(audience cheering)

Pinfield- "Cause they're moving there right?"

Stapp- "Right."

Pinfield- " They are like settling from all over the country right?"

Stapp- "Right. Right. So I think its just a fusion of different, you know, cultures and people and sounds from all over the United States. So I think that's why it's happening."

Pinfield- "Cause you know, the first time I heard 'My Own Prison,' that song really kicked my ass. It was a really cool ... (to audience -- "Wasn't that a great song?") (audience cheers) Was that a great rock song or what man? And what a great album. 'My Own Prison' that song it just hit people really hard. It was very emotional, cool song and then, you guys, that record creeped up and creeped up, all of a sudden, you are the most successful independent artists, you know, in the world. You are on Wind-Up, an independent label, and you guys have sold on your new album over 5 million records. Man, you guys are just taking it. (audience cheers) How did...did you guys think even in England, Mark, that you guys would be that successful? I mean, talk to me." (audience chants "Creed! Creed! Creed!")

Mark Tremonti- "Ah, I think every band startin' out thinks that they are going to be, that they'll sell millions of records but you don't realize until you are in the business what, you know, what the odds are. Once you get a record deal, its all, its just the beginning. And, ah, once we were here, we realized how lucky we are.

Pinfield- You guys, didn't you guys (unclear mumbling) the nay-sayers, people that'd like say, "Hey, rocks dead" and all that crap. You guys kicked in, the album went to number one. So that first week, were you guys siked? Was like the real...

Scott Phillips- "Yea, it was incredible. I mean, it was a dream, I think, for all four of us. Just a number one album, how often does that happen in anybody's career, you know?

Pinfield- "That's great. Congratulations to you guys. Ali?

Ali Landry- "Yea, listen, you guys opened up for all of your heroes and now you're one of the biggest bands in America. How, how does that feel?

Stapp- "Ah, it feels good, um, (audience cheers) um, that, that, (from audience "Scott! We love you!") (Scott laughs) Thank you."

Landry- "That's how it feels, right?"

Stapp- "Right."

Landry- "Pretty good."

Pinfield- "One thing about it, I remember you were all hanging out backstage at Van Halen, my friend got engaged on stage that night. You guys were opening. And it was a great night, we were hanging out. You debuted the new album and look at you guys now, man. It's so great. Congratulations to you from all of us here at Farmclub and thank you for coming to play with us tonight. All right let's hear it for Creed."


-Creed plays "What If"-

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