Welcome to Eskan
Desert Storm Art
Departure to Saudi
King Khalid Airport
Desert Storm Parade
1611 AES Mission Page
Scenes from Riyadh

    1611 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (P)


About the Squadron
The 1611 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron is a composite U.S. Air Force Squadron make up of Active, Reserve and National Guard Units from all over the U.S. deployed during the Persian Gulf War. At the height of the build-up in late 1990, this squadron grew up to 1400 people in 22 locations in 5 different countries. Missions were flown within country as well as points beyond such as Egypt,Germany, Spain or US.
Purpose of this page
This page is dedicated to re-uniting ex-members of the 1611. With help from everyone who wants to participate it has the potential to grow missions flown, to city to marketplaces in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Who am I?
The webmaster of this page is Tom Thweatt, a former member of the infamous 1611 AES. I was a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force, activated from the 118th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron in Nashville, TN from October 1990 to March 1991 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. First I was sent to work in the AECE control element as an admin specialist on Eskan Village up until February of 1991 where I became part of a C-130 crew (from Westover ARB)at KKIA(King Khalid International Airport) We flew in country missions from the Saudi/Iraqi border, over the Persian Gulf down to the Red Sea. Afterwards we were sent home on March 17, 1991. Anyone out there who was in Eskan, KKIA or in the 1611 AES I would like to hear from you as it seems everyone has disappeared.
Recommended Links
Attention all Desert Storm veterans! If you were either at Eskan Village or King Khalid International Airport during Desert Storm I would like to hear from YOU!!!
site index

Pages by Tom Thweatt. **Disclaimer** The topics and photos displayed in these pages are views expressed solely by the author and do not reflect the views of the 1611 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (P), The U.S. Air Force, The Air National Guard, or any other Government entities mentioned herein, foreign or domestic.

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